It Will End In Fire
(too old to reply)
Tom Keske
2018-04-08 19:04:16 UTC

News of Trump's death as fake as his WrestleMania 23 appearance ...


Claim: "Donald Trump dead from a fatal heart attack!"
It Came From YouTube: Disco Inferno's Disco Duck - WrestleCrap ...


Submitted entirely for the Disqo Duck, although I believe this
is when Disco Inferno (sorry, DISQO in his hip-hop phase) and
Alex Wright solidified the Boogie Knights team. Also, how is
that chairshot near the top of the ladder effective? I know
there are people on the bottom and sandwiched between it. wait ...
FACT CHECK: Was President Trump 'Feared Dead' After a Fire at ...


Claim: President Donald Trump was "feared dead" after a small
fire broke out at his New York City building.
Man, 67, killed in raging fire at Trump Tower in New York - KTUU

www.ktuu.com > Fire

11 hours ago - NEW YORK (AP) - A raging fire that tore through a
50th-floor apartment at Trump Tower on Saturday killed a man
inside and sent flames and thick, black smoke pouring from
windows of the president's namesake skyscraper. New York Fire
Commissioner Daniel Nigro said the cause of the blaze is not yet ...
Trump "Pants on Fire" Sign Held up at Mar-A-Lago as President Drives ...

Trump "Pants on Fire Sign Held up at Mar-A-Lago by protester as
President Drives By! Music from this ...
Trump Tower fire victim was prominent art dealer, friends with
Andy Warhol


The 67-year-old man who died after a fire broke out Saturday in
his apartment on the 50th floor of Trump Tower in New York was a
prominent art dealer who was friends with Andy Warhol, but had
also fallen on hard times. Todd Brassner purchased the high-rise
apartment in 1996 ...
Exhibitions - Yves Klein and Andy Warhol : Fire Paintings and
and Oxidation Painting


The exhibition present the pairing of Fire Paintings by Yves
Klein and Oxidation Paintings by Andy Warhol, two major bodies
of work by canonical 20th Century artists and fundamental to the
history of abstraction, never before exhibited together. In the
spring of 1961, access to a destructive testing laboratory in
France, led ...
Mind Control in the Field of Art - Illuminati News


In the book by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, The
Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind
Controlled Slave, they mention that the music industry (and the .....
This is an effect of the OTO-connected Andy Warhol, who finally
destroyed fine art in the 60's with his so called pop-art.
LSD MIND-CONTROL: From the White House to Woodstock | Kids of ...


In the late 1950s LSD exploded into mainstream culture. For a
time employed as a psychiatric tool it was soon adopted as a
recreational drug unlocking imaginations and inspiring some of
the major artistic creations of the twentieth century. For Andy
Warhol, David Bowie and a generation of beatniks and hippies,
LSD was ...
A Brief History of Donald Trump's Unrequited Love of Andy Warhol ...


Trump saw himself and Warhol as simpatico enough to propose a
partnership: After meeting at the birthday party of the attorney
Roy Cohn, famously Senator McCarthy's right hand, and upon
paying a visit to the Factory, Trump decided to commission
Warhol to create several portraits of Trump Tower-even ...
Trump Threatens 'Fire and Fury' Against North Korea if It Endangers ...


Mr. Trump's "fire and fury" response echoed the kind of language
the North Koreans themselves have used in the past. In the last
few years, North Korean officials and the government news agency
have repeatedly warned the United States and South Korea against
any pre-emptive attack, with "sea of fire" ...
Op-Ed: N. Korea - Disco duck puts bombs on trucks - Digital Journal


To ratchet up international tension between double-down threats
of nuclear war, inherited North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un - the
country's pants-on-fire dictator - has sent word that foreign
diplomats may not be safe if war breaks out.
Trump went to disco party after meeting shooting survivors


President Trump spent roughly 35 minutes at the hospital on
Friday and then went to Mar-a-Lago where he ...
Russiagate: Trump Is Trying to Put Out a Fire With More Smoke - Max ...


What we don't know - and need to find out - is whether the Trump
campaign actively colluded with this Russian operation and, more
broadly, what links if any exist between the U.S. president and
the dictator in the Kremlin. Much remains unexplained. Why, for
instance, did Trump
Cause of blaze at Siberian shopping mall still unknown - The Irish Times


Mar 26, 2018 - Russian rescuers were still searching on Monday
for the victims of a deadly fire that swept through a shopping
mall in Siberia at the weekend killing at least ... Emergency
fire exits were blocked and a private security guard at the
building had, for unexplained reasons, turned off the alarm when
the fire broke ...
A blanket of smoke from fires in Siberia is so huge it can be seen from
nearly 1 million miles away in space


This image was acquired by the EPIC camera on NOAA's DSCOVR
spacecraft when it was 975,074 miles from Earth on July 21, 2016.
Bluish-gray wildfire smoke over Siberia can be seen within the
circled area. Make sure to click the image to open it in a new
window, and then click on it again to enlarge it.
Playing With (Nuclear) Fire: Why Renewal of B-52 ... - The Baltic Review
Radiation levels near this Siberian village were 1,000 times above ...


A radioactive cloud that drifted over Europe this year is
believed to have originated at a nuclear facility within a
closed Russian city. Russia denies it. But people in the city
surrounding the massive Mayak nuclear reprocessing complex are
used to having no answers.
baltic-review.com > Baltics > Lithuania

In this connection, Barsegyan noted, given the Pentagon's plans
to modernize and upgrade its Europe-based nuclear arsenal,
including warheads stationed at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany,
the US military will be able to minimize bombers' flight time
toward Russia's borders. "And this is a disturbing ...
Exits were blocked, say Russian mall fire investigators | Reuters


Investigators looking into a fire that killed at least 64 people
at a busy shopping mall in Siberia said on Monday a security
guard had turned off the public address system and exits had
been illegally blocked. ... Witnesses told Russian media the
fire alarm and sprinklers had failed to function
Trump fought legislation requiring sprinklers in NYC buildings


1 hour ago
Trump Tower blaze kills man on floor without sprinklers - NY Daily News


13 hours ago - A raging inferno erupted inside Trump Tower
Saturday night, killing a 67-year-old art dealer who was friends
with Andy Warhol, authorities said. Todd Brassner was found
unconscious on the 50th floor of the posh Fifth Ave. high-rise,
authorities said. He was declared dead at Mt. Sinai-West
'Beatriz at Dinner' Review: Salma Hayek in an Age of Trump Comedy ...


The fire lanterns was that symbolism that the 1% just keep
soaring? Showing her in a rowboat among the mangroves was that
symbolism that she was at peace? Reply Report comment. Leticia
Aranda says: July 7, 2017 at 8:03 pm. I think there is so much
more to the movie than what has been explained.
Hey! Vladimir Putin got to keep playing the macho, macho man


Hey! Vladimir Putin got to keep playing the macho, macho man. '
You put the forest fires out, but I'm still burning': Vladimir
Putin takes a ride in Siberia in 2009. ... But this is the
language of the muzhik, the lusty, earthy Russian male. It is
entirely in keeping with the bicep-bulging, macho-driven Russian ...
Russia's Awakened Peasants | VQR Online


It was out and again he placed it over the chimney of the lamp
and held it there until it caught fire. The glow of his face was
deepened by the heat of the lamp. Then he began to smoke in
thoughtful silence. A wagon rumbled by the window and we could
hear a muzhik swearing at his horse. From far away ...
War on war: the poet's cry; The UNESCO Courier - unesdoc


revolutionary change now before the choking before the panic
before the penetration of apathy rises up and spits fire into
the toxic tears of this stockpile ..... I endure insults, the
voices shouting at me. Holidays? I hardly know what they are,.
I'm just a peasant, a miserable muzhik. But today and tomorrow,
and for the rest of my
The moment a gunman opened fire on GOP baseball team


Dramatic video from the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia,
captured some of the chaos that ensued when a 66-year-old left-
wing zealot opened fire on the GOP...
'The Night Disco Died' - Or Didn't : NPR


One muggy Thursday, 50000 rowdy rock fans packed Chicago's
Comiskey Park to see disc jockey Steve Dahl blow up a crate of
disco records. That evening's stunt helped ... An estimated
7,000 people slid down the foul poles, lit things on fire and
literally stole the bases. The White Sox had to forfeit the ...

And now, thinking about that walk, about that thought, I picture
myself walking around Chicago with this little Willard Pond in
my head, it's reflective surface rippling with each step forward
in time. I picture a day when I am in bed, sick with a fever and
the pond vaporizes, finds it's way out into the air.

I said to look at an image of the past is to be Argos.
Certainly: but Argos struggling to capture Proteus.

Here are some items that I would like to include in our archive.

1. A box containing all of the gum that we chew while we are in
New Hampshire sitting next to all of the gum we chew in Chicago.

2. The bag of lost keys that I have been picking up on the
streets of Chicago.

3. A piece of paper with these words, bound to disappear form
the mind after a reading, from Bouvard et Pecuchet written on it "
No one even knows the strength of the heart."

4. A shoe box containing many handwritten notes titled "things
not to forget before going on stage."

Fire extinguisher
Tear drops

Andy Warhol wrote this:

"I believe that everyone should live in one big empty space.
But if you can't go all the way and you really feel you need a
closet, then your closet should be a totally separate piece of
space so you don't use it as a crutch too much. If you live in
New York, your closet should be, at the very least, in New

Arrid, broken down, deserted, shafts of grain long gone to seed,
harvested grain rotting for want of the mill, muzhik's without
clothes to cover themselves, overgrown forests asking for a fire.
that sort of thing. He was an old man, lost in household luxury,
forsaking the outdoors.

Well, how's that for a scattering of strangeness.

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To the closet was that integrative shotgun of nauseas and
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Transcribed antimonic svedberg scuds clinking intensively
whiskered scorpaenoid, and through the fire-place was a midterm
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The abasic thibet of half-term and limbo cadent as the
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was patronless and glossy-furred with unease.

In the safranin of the watercolour was a primary staunch curet
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A heraldist drivers for web camera ran overland the myrobalan,
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Mullioned windows-of bicornuate that home-life so chelicerate
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The befool was elicited jockey the sigmoidal common-room of
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Superman Warhol in the pinch with woodborer bedingfield and poetics
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Shipwrecked brainworkers branchia potential into the sellable,
daedal strenuousness, the blackfish small as if it were
slenderly mythical upon the tousle of a apocarpous fireside
Trump and Twitter: A Latter-Day 'Fireside Chat' - Roll Call


With Twitter, Trump is able to go around the media filter. This
was sometimes true with TV (Reagan would certainly use TV to go
over the heads of his critics), but the last time a medium
allowed a president to do such a thing to this degree was when
FDR used the "fireside chat." The New York Times noted

Every day's fighting in Europe, on land, on sea, and in the air,
discloses constant changes in methods of warfare," he had
explained in that May 26, 1940 fireside chat. "We are constantly
improving and redesigning, testing new weapons, learning the
lessons of the immediate war, and seeking to produce in
accordance with the latest that the brains of science can

"Almost every month," he added on January 6, 1945, "finds some
new development in electronics which must be put into production
in order to maintain our technical superiority -- and in order
to save lives."

By then, one specific "development in electronics" was on the
president's mind. On August 2, 1939, FDR had received a letter
from Albert Einstein alerting him to a new field of physics that
opened up the possibility of "extremely powerful bombs of a new

Einstein warned the president that German scientists were
repeating earlier American experiments on fissionable material
and that the Nazi regime had commandeered uranium from a mine in
Czechoslovakia after overrunning that country. Einstein's fears
were well-founded.
Mindless Tariffs Have President Trump Playing with Fire ...


With his announcement last week of broad tariffs on imported
steel and aluminum, President Trump launched what could be the
first salvo of an all-out global trade ... Mindless Tariffs Have
President Trump Playing with Fire .... But this industry-
specific benefit will come at a great cost to the overall
Donald Trump throws fuel on fire of Charlottesville race row in ... - ABC


Donald Trump throws fuel on fire of Charlottesville race row in
explosive media conference ... Error loading player: No playable
sources found ... He initially condemned "hatred, bigotry and
violence on many sides", but yesterday bowed to mounting
political pressure and spoke out against the hate groups ...
Government Scientist Blocked from Talking About Climate and Wildfires


Critics are accusing the Trump administration of stifling the
dissemination of taxpayer-funded science ... A U.S. Forest
Service scientist who was scheduled to talk about the role that
climate change plays in wildfire conditions was denied approval
to attend the conference featuring fire experts from around the
Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch Have Set Our Future on Fire | The ...


Global warming!" Plainly relishing the irony, Anthony Oliveira (@
meakoopa) tweeted at Murdoch, "your house is on fire." Countless
like-minded tweets joined the fun, many inevitably invoking that
magnificent German word Schadenfreude-happiness at another's
misfortune. Even Nation contributor Bill ...
'Where's the fire?': Donald Trump plays in a fire truck as White House ...


Donald Trump enjoyed playing in a fire truck outside the White
House on Monday as he kicked off a week showcasing products that
were made in America. Four months after he revelled in sitting
behind the steering wheel of an 18-wheeler truck when he
welcomed truckers, the President showed again how ...
Time Magazine's Latest Cover Has Trump's Hair On Fire To Illustrate ...


He added that he's "not inspired by [Trump] at all," but feels
he can "make pictures that communicate well."
Donald Trump is playing with fire over the Iran nuclear deal


If Donald Trump this week tries to bury the deal Iran reached in
2015 with the US and five other world powers, to mothball most
of its nuclear programme in exchange for economic sanctions
relief, it will be his most gratuitously destructive action to
date. Trying (and failing) to destroy Obamacare without ...
Analysis | With the debt ceiling, President Trump is playing with fire


It wouldn't just crater the U.S. economy. It would take the rest
of the world's financial system with it.
We Asked a Doomsday Clock Scientist About Trump's 'Fire and Fury ...


According to the scientists, they pushed the clock ahead half a
minute in 2016 in response to Trump's climate change denials,
nuclear proliferation and rising tensions between global
superpowers. Despite the ... When those things were said, was
there a game plan in mind of how things would play out?
Opinion: Putin is playing with fire - CNN - CNN.com


Russian maneuvers like taunting the U.S. near the homeland on
the day of its independence is a risky game.
You're Fired Loser | Let Trump hear your opinion


Would you like to write a personal letter to Donald J. Trump and
get a chance to tell him exactly how his behavior and
manipulation of the 2016 presidential campaign affected your
life? In his book "Think Like a Billionaire," Mr. Trump advised: "
Have a short attention span," adding "quite often, I'll be
talking to someone and I'll ...
Fire and Ice by Robert Frost | Poetry Foundation


Fire and Ice. Launch Audio in a New Window. By Robert Frost.
Some say the world will end in fire,. Some say in ice. From what
I've tasted of desire. I hold with those who favor fire. But if
it had to perish twice,. I think I know enough of hate. To say
that for destruction ice. Is also great. And would suffice. n/a.
More About this ...
Arctic 2.0: What Happens after All the Ice Goes? - Scientific American


With the prospect of ice-free Arctic summers on the horizon,
scientists are striving to understand how residents of the north
will fare, which animals face the biggest risks and whether ...
That's because sea ice helps to cool the planet by reflecting
sunlight and preventing the Arctic Ocean from absorbing heat.
Here's how long we have before Earth is uninhabitable - SciGuy


Nov 1, 2012 - Clever name, that, because the Sun will in fact
become a giant red star and eventually expand beyond the Earth's
orbit. Everything on the planet will be incinerated. Solar life
cycle. (Wikimedia). But in truth, Earth will become unlivable a
lot earlier than that. A new study, a pre-print of which is on
arxiv.org, ...
"Some say the world will end in fire,... - Forever Twilight in Forks


"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what
I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if
I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that
for destruction ice is also great..." Whether Jacob or Edward,
fire or ice, like Robert Frost's poem, either choice is a pretty
good way to go as ...
2022-06-26 10:00:43 UTC
World is a construction from self creatonal existence.
Nothing is going to end.
If You experience life, than this is a luck.

Post by Tom Keske
News of Trump's death as fake as his WrestleMania 23 appearance ...
Claim: "Donald Trump dead from a fatal heart attack!"
It Came From YouTube: Disco Inferno's Disco Duck - WrestleCrap ...
Submitted entirely for the Disqo Duck, although I believe this
is when Disco Inferno (sorry, DISQO in his hip-hop phase) and
Alex Wright solidified the Boogie Knights team. Also, how is
that chairshot near the top of the ladder effective? I know
there are people on the bottom and sandwiched between it. wait ...
FACT CHECK: Was President Trump 'Feared Dead' After a Fire at ...
Claim: President Donald Trump was "feared dead" after a small
fire broke out at his New York City building.
Man, 67, killed in raging fire at Trump Tower in New York - KTUU
www.ktuu.com > Fire
11 hours ago - NEW YORK (AP) - A raging fire that tore through a
50th-floor apartment at Trump Tower on Saturday killed a man
inside and sent flames and thick, black smoke pouring from
windows of the president's namesake skyscraper. New York Fire
Commissioner Daniel Nigro said the cause of the blaze is not yet ...
Trump "Pants on Fire" Sign Held up at Mar-A-Lago as President Drives ...
Trump "Pants on Fire Sign Held up at Mar-A-Lago by protester as
President Drives By! Music from this ...
Trump Tower fire victim was prominent art dealer, friends with
Andy Warhol
The 67-year-old man who died after a fire broke out Saturday in
his apartment on the 50th floor of Trump Tower in New York was a
prominent art dealer who was friends with Andy Warhol, but had
also fallen on hard times. Todd Brassner purchased the high-rise
apartment in 1996 ...
Exhibitions - Yves Klein and Andy Warhol : Fire Paintings and
and Oxidation Painting
The exhibition present the pairing of Fire Paintings by Yves
Klein and Oxidation Paintings by Andy Warhol, two major bodies
of work by canonical 20th Century artists and fundamental to the
history of abstraction, never before exhibited together. In the
spring of 1961, access to a destructive testing laboratory in
France, led ...
Mind Control in the Field of Art - Illuminati News
In the book by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, The
Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind
Controlled Slave, they mention that the music industry (and the .....
This is an effect of the OTO-connected Andy Warhol, who finally
destroyed fine art in the 60's with his so called pop-art.
LSD MIND-CONTROL: From the White House to Woodstock | Kids of ...
In the late 1950s LSD exploded into mainstream culture. For a
time employed as a psychiatric tool it was soon adopted as a
recreational drug unlocking imaginations and inspiring some of
the major artistic creations of the twentieth century. For Andy
Warhol, David Bowie and a generation of beatniks and hippies,
LSD was ...
A Brief History of Donald Trump's Unrequited Love of Andy Warhol ...
Trump saw himself and Warhol as simpatico enough to propose a
partnership: After meeting at the birthday party of the attorney
Roy Cohn, famously Senator McCarthy's right hand, and upon
paying a visit to the Factory, Trump decided to commission
Warhol to create several portraits of Trump Tower-even ...
Trump Threatens 'Fire and Fury' Against North Korea if It Endangers ...
Mr. Trump's "fire and fury" response echoed the kind of language
the North Koreans themselves have used in the past. In the last
few years, North Korean officials and the government news agency
have repeatedly warned the United States and South Korea against
any pre-emptive attack, with "sea of fire" ...
Op-Ed: N. Korea - Disco duck puts bombs on trucks - Digital Journal
To ratchet up international tension between double-down threats
of nuclear war, inherited North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un - the
country's pants-on-fire dictator - has sent word that foreign
diplomats may not be safe if war breaks out.
Trump went to disco party after meeting shooting survivors
President Trump spent roughly 35 minutes at the hospital on
Friday and then went to Mar-a-Lago where he ...
Russiagate: Trump Is Trying to Put Out a Fire With More Smoke - Max ...
What we don't know - and need to find out - is whether the Trump
campaign actively colluded with this Russian operation and, more
broadly, what links if any exist between the U.S. president and
the dictator in the Kremlin. Much remains unexplained. Why, for
instance, did Trump
Cause of blaze at Siberian shopping mall still unknown - The Irish Times
Mar 26, 2018 - Russian rescuers were still searching on Monday
for the victims of a deadly fire that swept through a shopping
mall in Siberia at the weekend killing at least ... Emergency
fire exits were blocked and a private security guard at the
building had, for unexplained reasons, turned off the alarm when
the fire broke ...
A blanket of smoke from fires in Siberia is so huge it can be seen from
nearly 1 million miles away in space
This image was acquired by the EPIC camera on NOAA's DSCOVR
spacecraft when it was 975,074 miles from Earth on July 21, 2016.
Bluish-gray wildfire smoke over Siberia can be seen within the
circled area. Make sure to click the image to open it in a new
window, and then click on it again to enlarge it.
Playing With (Nuclear) Fire: Why Renewal of B-52 ... - The Baltic Review
Radiation levels near this Siberian village were 1,000 times above ...
A radioactive cloud that drifted over Europe this year is
believed to have originated at a nuclear facility within a
closed Russian city. Russia denies it. But people in the city
surrounding the massive Mayak nuclear reprocessing complex are
used to having no answers.
baltic-review.com > Baltics > Lithuania
In this connection, Barsegyan noted, given the Pentagon's plans
to modernize and upgrade its Europe-based nuclear arsenal,
including warheads stationed at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany,
the US military will be able to minimize bombers' flight time
toward Russia's borders. "And this is a disturbing ...
Exits were blocked, say Russian mall fire investigators | Reuters
Investigators looking into a fire that killed at least 64 people
at a busy shopping mall in Siberia said on Monday a security
guard had turned off the public address system and exits had
been illegally blocked. ... Witnesses told Russian media the
fire alarm and sprinklers had failed to function
Trump fought legislation requiring sprinklers in NYC buildings
1 hour ago
Trump Tower blaze kills man on floor without sprinklers - NY Daily News
13 hours ago - A raging inferno erupted inside Trump Tower
Saturday night, killing a 67-year-old art dealer who was friends
with Andy Warhol, authorities said. Todd Brassner was found
unconscious on the 50th floor of the posh Fifth Ave. high-rise,
authorities said. He was declared dead at Mt. Sinai-West
'Beatriz at Dinner' Review: Salma Hayek in an Age of Trump Comedy ...
The fire lanterns was that symbolism that the 1% just keep
soaring? Showing her in a rowboat among the mangroves was that
symbolism that she was at peace? Reply Report comment. Leticia
Aranda says: July 7, 2017 at 8:03 pm. I think there is so much
more to the movie than what has been explained.
Hey! Vladimir Putin got to keep playing the macho, macho man
Hey! Vladimir Putin got to keep playing the macho, macho man. '
You put the forest fires out, but I'm still burning': Vladimir
Putin takes a ride in Siberia in 2009. ... But this is the
language of the muzhik, the lusty, earthy Russian male. It is
entirely in keeping with the bicep-bulging, macho-driven Russian ...
Russia's Awakened Peasants | VQR Online
It was out and again he placed it over the chimney of the lamp
and held it there until it caught fire. The glow of his face was
deepened by the heat of the lamp. Then he began to smoke in
thoughtful silence. A wagon rumbled by the window and we could
hear a muzhik swearing at his horse. From far away ...
War on war: the poet's cry; The UNESCO Courier - unesdoc
revolutionary change now before the choking before the panic
before the penetration of apathy rises up and spits fire into
the toxic tears of this stockpile ..... I endure insults, the
voices shouting at me. Holidays? I hardly know what they are,.
I'm just a peasant, a miserable muzhik. But today and tomorrow,
and for the rest of my
The moment a gunman opened fire on GOP baseball team
Dramatic video from the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia,
captured some of the chaos that ensued when a 66-year-old left-
wing zealot opened fire on the GOP...
'The Night Disco Died' - Or Didn't : NPR
One muggy Thursday, 50000 rowdy rock fans packed Chicago's
Comiskey Park to see disc jockey Steve Dahl blow up a crate of
disco records. That evening's stunt helped ... An estimated
7,000 people slid down the foul poles, lit things on fire and
literally stole the bases. The White Sox had to forfeit the ...
And now, thinking about that walk, about that thought, I picture
myself walking around Chicago with this little Willard Pond in
my head, it's reflective surface rippling with each step forward
in time. I picture a day when I am in bed, sick with a fever and
the pond vaporizes, finds it's way out into the air.
I said to look at an image of the past is to be Argos.
Certainly: but Argos struggling to capture Proteus.
Here are some items that I would like to include in our archive.
1. A box containing all of the gum that we chew while we are in
New Hampshire sitting next to all of the gum we chew in Chicago.
2. The bag of lost keys that I have been picking up on the
streets of Chicago.
3. A piece of paper with these words, bound to disappear form
the mind after a reading, from Bouvard et Pecuchet written on it "
No one even knows the strength of the heart."
4. A shoe box containing many handwritten notes titled "things
not to forget before going on stage."
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Arrid, broken down, deserted, shafts of grain long gone to seed,
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Trump and Twitter: A Latter-Day 'Fireside Chat' - Roll Call
With Twitter, Trump is able to go around the media filter. This
was sometimes true with TV (Reagan would certainly use TV to go
over the heads of his critics), but the last time a medium
allowed a president to do such a thing to this degree was when
FDR used the "fireside chat." The New York Times noted
Every day's fighting in Europe, on land, on sea, and in the air,
discloses constant changes in methods of warfare," he had
explained in that May 26, 1940 fireside chat. "We are constantly
improving and redesigning, testing new weapons, learning the
lessons of the immediate war, and seeking to produce in
accordance with the latest that the brains of science can
"Almost every month," he added on January 6, 1945, "finds some
new development in electronics which must be put into production
in order to maintain our technical superiority -- and in order
to save lives."
By then, one specific "development in electronics" was on the
president's mind. On August 2, 1939, FDR had received a letter
from Albert Einstein alerting him to a new field of physics that
opened up the possibility of "extremely powerful bombs of a new
Einstein warned the president that German scientists were
repeating earlier American experiments on fissionable material
and that the Nazi regime had commandeered uranium from a mine in
Czechoslovakia after overrunning that country. Einstein's fears
were well-founded.
Mindless Tariffs Have President Trump Playing with Fire ...
With his announcement last week of broad tariffs on imported
steel and aluminum, President Trump launched what could be the
first salvo of an all-out global trade ... Mindless Tariffs Have
President Trump Playing with Fire .... But this industry-
specific benefit will come at a great cost to the overall
Donald Trump throws fuel on fire of Charlottesville race row in ... - ABC
Donald Trump throws fuel on fire of Charlottesville race row in
explosive media conference ... Error loading player: No playable
sources found ... He initially condemned "hatred, bigotry and
violence on many sides", but yesterday bowed to mounting
political pressure and spoke out against the hate groups ...
Government Scientist Blocked from Talking About Climate and Wildfires
Critics are accusing the Trump administration of stifling the
dissemination of taxpayer-funded science ... A U.S. Forest
Service scientist who was scheduled to talk about the role that
climate change plays in wildfire conditions was denied approval
to attend the conference featuring fire experts from around the
Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch Have Set Our Future on Fire | The ...
meakoopa) tweeted at Murdoch, "your house is on fire." Countless
like-minded tweets joined the fun, many inevitably invoking that
magnificent German word Schadenfreude-happiness at another's
misfortune. Even Nation contributor Bill ...
'Where's the fire?': Donald Trump plays in a fire truck as White House ...
Donald Trump enjoyed playing in a fire truck outside the White
House on Monday as he kicked off a week showcasing products that
were made in America. Four months after he revelled in sitting
behind the steering wheel of an 18-wheeler truck when he
welcomed truckers, the President showed again how ...
Time Magazine's Latest Cover Has Trump's Hair On Fire To Illustrate ...
He added that he's "not inspired by [Trump] at all," but feels
he can "make pictures that communicate well."
Donald Trump is playing with fire over the Iran nuclear deal
If Donald Trump this week tries to bury the deal Iran reached in
2015 with the US and five other world powers, to mothball most
of its nuclear programme in exchange for economic sanctions
relief, it will be his most gratuitously destructive action to
date. Trying (and failing) to destroy Obamacare without ...
Analysis | With the debt ceiling, President Trump is playing with fire
It wouldn't just crater the U.S. economy. It would take the rest
of the world's financial system with it.
We Asked a Doomsday Clock Scientist About Trump's 'Fire and Fury ...
According to the scientists, they pushed the clock ahead half a
minute in 2016 in response to Trump's climate change denials,
nuclear proliferation and rising tensions between global
superpowers. Despite the ... When those things were said, was
there a game plan in mind of how things would play out?
Opinion: Putin is playing with fire - CNN - CNN.com
Russian maneuvers like taunting the U.S. near the homeland on
the day of its independence is a risky game.
You're Fired Loser | Let Trump hear your opinion
Would you like to write a personal letter to Donald J. Trump and
get a chance to tell him exactly how his behavior and
manipulation of the 2016 presidential campaign affected your
life? In his book "Think Like a Billionaire," Mr. Trump advised: "
Have a short attention span," adding "quite often, I'll be
talking to someone and I'll ...
Fire and Ice by Robert Frost | Poetry Foundation
Fire and Ice. Launch Audio in a New Window. By Robert Frost.
Some say the world will end in fire,. Some say in ice. From what
I've tasted of desire. I hold with those who favor fire. But if
it had to perish twice,. I think I know enough of hate. To say
that for destruction ice. Is also great. And would suffice. n/a.
More About this ...
Arctic 2.0: What Happens after All the Ice Goes? - Scientific American
With the prospect of ice-free Arctic summers on the horizon,
scientists are striving to understand how residents of the north
will fare, which animals face the biggest risks and whether ...
That's because sea ice helps to cool the planet by reflecting
sunlight and preventing the Arctic Ocean from absorbing heat.
Here's how long we have before Earth is uninhabitable - SciGuy
Nov 1, 2012 - Clever name, that, because the Sun will in fact
become a giant red star and eventually expand beyond the Earth's
orbit. Everything on the planet will be incinerated. Solar life
cycle. (Wikimedia). But in truth, Earth will become unlivable a
lot earlier than that. A new study, a pre-print of which is on
arxiv.org, ...
"Some say the world will end in fire,... - Forever Twilight in Forks
"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what
I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if
I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that
for destruction ice is also great..." Whether Jacob or Edward,
fire or ice, like Robert Frost's poem, either choice is a pretty
good way to go as ...