Post by George J. (George J. Dance)On Thu, 20 Feb 2025 12:49:21 +0000, Michael Monkey Peabrain aka
Post by HarryLimePost by W.DockeryPost by George J. (George J. Dance)Post by HarryLimePost by NancyGeneNO ONE
by fake George Dance
(in the style of George Dance)
No one
accused you of
Please stop
repeating your
online friend's
Damn, George!
That's so good that it's got me sorry that I banned you from AAPC.
You banned me from aapc? Oh dear, whatever shall I do?
That's absurd, a.a.p.c. is a Usenet newsgroup, Michael Pendragon aka
Harry Lime has no control over it and can't possibly "ban" anyone.
Please don't try to play dumb, Donkey. You're more than stupid enough
a.a.p.c. was a Usenet newsgroup... until Will Donkey and his socks drove
all of the group's members over to Facebook.
No, Peabrain. No, HarryLiar. aapc still exists as a usenet group. You're
posting to it right now, you stupid cunt.
No, George Dance.
NEWSFLASH: Usenet is dead.
Usenet is a form of internet communication that pre-dated the World Wide
Web. When the Web became a global phenomenon in the late 1990s, Usenet
became out-dated.
It continued to exist for an increasingly small number of users who had
used it in the pre-WWW world, or who studied computer programming, etc.
In 2001, Google created a "Google Groups" app that linked WWW users to
the Usenet groups. This app was the only way that people who had not
used Usenet in the pre-WWW world had of discovering Usenet's existence.
Even with the Google app, the Usenet groups continued to dwindle is
size, leading to Google's abandonment of them last year.
When Google pulled the plug, the majority of Google Group members sought
out other forums.
Most of the Usenet a.a.p.c. members migrated to the Facebook a.a.p.c.
Since the majority of the members are now there (myself, NancyGene, Jim,
Karen, Corey, Ash, Wenceslaus, Richard, Bob, ME), it *is* the a.a.c.p.
group. You, your Donkey, Rachel, Jordy, and General Stink) are
stragglers who have been left behind.
It's as if a club had moved to a new address, and taken the majority of
its patrons with it -- while a handful of former members stubbornly hang
out in the club's former building (now abandoned).
Post by George J. (George J. Dance)Post by HarryLimeNow a.a.p.c. is a Facebook group.
- and at least one copycat group. But aapc is still a usenet group, and
will be as long as there's a usenet.
Usenet's a relic. Your Facebook group is an offshoot from a relic.
There are few members at either -- and fewer members who are actually
Post by George J. (George J. Dance)Post by HarryLimeGeorge Dance had been a member of the Facebook group, but he got himself
No, Lying Michael; I'm a member of both the usenet and facebook groups.
Maybe you're referring to one of those copycat groups, where I wasnt
Calling the Official AAPC Facebook Group a "copycat group" won't change
the fact that the majority of a.a.p.c. members are now posting there.
A group is a group of people -- not a Usenet address or a Facebook page.
The group (the members of a.a.c.p.) has relocated... and left the
trolls (and their associated baggage) beind.
Deal with it.