George J. (George J. Dance)
2025-02-18 20:02:42 UTC
Permalinkalt.arts.poetry.comments. I'm posting to you here in the hope that I can
avoid a flame war over it.
aapc has recently acquired a troll who used the name "NancyGene". While
I can handle normal trolling, I've found some of her behavior OTT. In
this case, she has started to forge me - I don't mean impersonate me on
Usenet, but write "poetry" and sign my name to it. The poetry is "found
poetry" consisting of comments they've found by me on the group. I find
this way out of line, and if it were my group I'd have kicked her off
already. But since it's not my group, I'm just asking you to review this
and make your own decision about whether you should do something, and