Thomas Keske
2005-08-24 00:36:04 UTC
If you sank, you told the truth, but you died
If you floated, well, then you must have told a lie
This was their notion of what was fair
Whether it was true or not, they did not really care
It was an unimportant mistake
if they burned you at the stake
Down through history, they have reveled in hysteria
To whip the crowd into a panicked fright
satisfied their sadistic appetite
They worshiped their God with idle gossip
Your eyes from their sockets, they would cheerfully rip
If you should be so bold as to say
that you did not see things their way
They could not suffer you to live-
To contradict their superstition
was impossible to forgive
Human stupidity, it would appear
has changed very little, in 3000 years
To the unjustly accused,
this is a few too many millenia
to be so easily excused
When repentance is naught, repayment is due
This time, the witches are hunting for you
Into the cold heart, a silver dagger was stabbed
Quietly, the witches had penetrated a lab
making calculations and chanting incantations,
speaking in twisted tongues-in-cheek,
hurling the following taunts,
as they ran the haunted gauntlet:
AbbraCadaver, you are dead! SCADA! CRADA! Lambda!
Lots more f'ing ABBA, BABABBA, ABBAS! Security by Sabrina!
A las tartas, de fruta distintas de mermeladas
la mermelada de sandia acaramelada!
Efficiency by Morticia! PATRICIA! Ali Babba!
So's yer mamma! Who's your dada?
Death to Bhubba! DARPA! Bhabha! BARC! Bark!"
Smaller, saner, prim sisters,
joined in their crusade by war resisters
- now witches, in a fever did sew and stitch
leaving their husbands, to themselves getting hitched
The coven convened an inter-agency Cask Task Force
and conducted ultra-high speed Casket Crash Tests,
in order to determine if any casks would crack
- As If You Had To Ask
They shrieked and cackled behind their Halloween masks
They perfected the farcical Parsifal Effect
They put the enemy to sleep with Zzzz Machine plasma,
conjuring the forces of Fate
with a bit of human heart, between dielectric plates
Intelligent Design in weapons-grade software,
coded at the Lilith's Fair,
the completed circuits working
with a lock of Sandia's bright, red hair
. Sandia Red Team Hacks All Computer Defenses
... a group at Sandia National Laboratories known informally as
the Red Team has, ... Sandia Studies Security At Nation's
Chemical Plants (January 22,
[Found on Google]
13. HNS - Crack Sandia team hacks - but only if asked
... "It's got to be the curly hair," said Barbara Surbey, a
slender, straight-haired hacker, holding up ... This month Red
Team won a Sandia President's Quality Award for its ... [Found on Yahoo!]
20. Slashdot | Red Storm Rising: Cray Wins Sandia Contract
Red Storm Rising: Cray Wins Sandia Contract ... called a
multithreaded architecture rather than a parallel one (semantic
hair splitting, yes, but...
[Found on Ask Jeeves]
40. physics central physics in action - Tiny Machines - print version
... red blood cells, and a 50 micron line included for scale.
Note that this distance is about the diameter of a human hair.
(Courtesy Sandia ...
[Found on Yahoo!]
Science, Politics, and the Debatable Land between
Today is the 13th time I will be participating in my wife's
birthday. The first time was about a month after we became
engaged. I brought her a home-grown Dendrobium orchid blossom
and took her to dinner at High Finance Restaurant, which is
located atop Sandia Peak, the mountain that dominates the
northeast Albuquerque skyline. Sandia Peak is fairly gently
sloping to the east, but drops a steep 5000' to the west, and
the usual way to reach the restaurant is to take the Sandia Peak
I have long had a soft spot for redheads, for reasons that defy
reason. I used to joke with college buddies that I would marry a
redheaded biochemist someday. The biochemist part was based on
the highly rational calculation that I wanted someone
intelligent who shared my interest in science, but was not in a
field closely related to my own (astrophysics.) The redhead part
was, as I already said, completely irrational.
I wasn't deliberately looking for a redhaired biochemist; it was
just a joke; but it's funny how things work out sometimes. My
good fortune in meeting her is conclusive proof that there is a
benevolent God. And it suggests that God has a sense of humor.
Many of you wanted to know more about me, and you were referred
here. I live in Western Massachusetts, and was born on December
15, 1975 at 3:42 in the afternoon. I am 5'8" with short red
hair. (it got cut shorter than I wanted the last time, so it is
shorter than I had it even for the Marines.) Also, I am in the
Marine Reserves as you will see on the next page. I also have
friends that wanted to be on this site, so you will see them as
I am currently studying laser electro-optic technology at my
local community college. It is a 2 year Associate's Degree
Program. By this summer I hope to be in California at Sandia
National Laboratories.
1. Kevin Carlyon - High Priest of British White Witches
It basically tells you how to open yourself as a Witch and
perform your own rites. ... Cerne Abbas CLICK HERE FOR MORE
INFORMATION ABOUT ME [Found on Google, Ask Jeeves]
11. Israel Forum - Hijack planner Abul Abbas Dies
Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead!!!!! ... The ship, the
Achille Lauro, was commandeered by Abbas? small Palestine
Liberation Front. [Found on Google]
18. - May Day at Cerne Abbas
Cerne Abbas Giant. Copyright & Martin Gray. ...
and they still seek the help of the local White Witch, who
performs ceremonies [Found on Ask Jeeves]
8. Americas Amber Alert Center Washington
She has shoulder-length dyed red hair. She was last seen wearing
a gray sweatshirt, ... Researchers at the Department of Energy
(DOE) Sandia National ... [Found on Google]
12. Poetry Corner
It belongs to the Pueblo of Sandia, and even we who are only one-
l6th ... With a papoose on your back, you grabbed for Chief Red
Hair's records of paper. . [Found on Google]
"D.A.R.P.A. (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is using
these technologies to manipulate people. They established 'The
Projects,' set priorities, coordinate efforts and guide the many
participants in these undertakings. Related Projects are studied
at Sandia Base by 'The Jason Group' (of 55 Scientists). They
have secretly harnessed the Dark Side of Technology and hidden
the beneficial technology from the public.
3. 666 - The Beast - Lilith / Sandia Labs Connection
666 - The Beast - Lilith / Sandia Labs Connection ... grow up to
become a witch or magician. Merlin was said to have had such
parentage. ... [Found on Google, Yahoo!]
Lilith is a general purpose tool to provide highly scalable,
easy distribution of user code across a heterogeneous computing
platform. Lilith's principal task is to span a heterogeneous
tree of machines executing user-defined code in a scalable and
secure fashion. Lilith will be used for controlling user
processes as well as general system administrative tasks. Lilith
is written in Java, taking advantage of Java's platform
independence and intent to move code across networks. The design
of Lilith provides hooks for experimenting with tree-spanning
algorithms and security schemes. We present the Lilith Object
model, security scheme, and implementation, and present timing
results demonstrating Lilith's scalable behavior.
3. The Lilith Security Model
There are two issues to be addressed in this section: the
mechanism for distributed trust used in the Lilith prototype and
generic Lilith security approach.
3. MatSE news/Fall02
"Babba," the Urdu word for father. Shah's efforts to start a
school in the refu- ... Brinker is a Senior Scientist at Sandia.
National Laboratories and a ... [Found on Google]
2. PATRICIA --Practical Algorithm To Retrieve Information Coded in
Sandia Laboratory,* Albuquerque, New Mexico. ABSTRACT. PATRICIA
is an algorithm ... In the example shown in Figure 1, ABBABABB,
[Found on Google]
6. Sampling 'small atmospheres' in the tiny new worlds of MEMS
... last post by ALI BABBA. super super capacitor ... small
atmospheres - is now in place at Sandia National Laboratories, a
National Nuclear Security Administration facility [Found on Yahoo!]
9. The World of Legends
12. Death by Sandia (22:28) Human Choose Your Fate (22:28) 3155 ...
13 16. Death by Babba (22:28) Halfling Choose Your Fate (22:28)
2934 ... 17 [Found on Ask Jeeves]
2. Homi Jehangir Bhabha (1909-1966)
Learn about the scientist who lead the atomic energy programme in India.
[Found on Google, Ask Jeeves, Yahoo
. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre ( BARC )
Multidisciplinary nuclear research centre. Includes
organisational details, history, programmes.
[Found on Google, Ask Jeeves, Yahoo!]
25. Individual Transformation
Our founder, Dada Lekhraj, was an instrument of God through whom
God ... Oil Corporation, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Bhabha
Atomic Research...
[Found on Ask Jeeves]
26. Modern Literary Theory
Suggested Websites: Dada and Surrealism: Texts and Extracts by
Gerry Carlin & Mair Evans. Notes on Surrealism and Dadaism. [Found on Ask Jeeves]
27. S. N. Biswas (1926 2005)
... Samarendra Nath Biswas, endearingly called 'Dada' by his
colleagues, students and asso- ... vited by H. J. Bhabha to join
the theory [Found on Yahoo
... which there is no previous model. Feyerabend's Dada model is
reminiscent of this nominalist epistemology ... Hall, Dick
Hebdige, Homi Bhabha, Rasheed Areen, the journal Third Text,
[Found on Yahoo!]
4. Chapter VI. Of Other Pueblos of the Upper Rio Grande, and how ...
So Sandia settled down to witch-baiting so earnestly and so
successfully that, to-day, there are not only no witches there,
but almost nobody else.
[Found on Google]
"Yes, there is," he answered unexpectedly, "California much
better, -bonito campo, mucho trigo, fruto, sandia, ah, sandia!"
(beautiful country, much wheat, fruit, and watermelons, ah, the
watermelons!). "
This region, now under Governmental care, is more expeditiously
reached by automobile if you like travelling to ruins
by such conveyance.
------------------------------------------------------------------ B. BALDWIN
First, I would like to say that I'm here on my own time. I just
couldn't justify charging this to any Sandia case.
Second, after hearing about the phenomenal accuracy of polygraph
testing, I decided to voice my support for the tests, and would
like to further suggest that polygraphs might have much broader
application in addressing societal problems.
The main problem that should be addressed is the cynicism that
the American public has towards its political leaders. The
corrosive effect of this cynicism could be eliminated if every
candidate for public office is expected to take a polygraph test
as a normal part of getting elected.
Now I know that engineers and scientists may be skeptical of
anything as scientifically suspect as polygraph tests, but
fortunately our political leaders have no such reservations.
As Rep. Wilson so eloquently stated, "polygraph tests are just
another tool that should be available to investigators."
Certainly, the voters deserve the same tool in selecting leaders.
To be fair, candidates should not be asked lifestyle questions,
but they should be asked a few policy-related questions. For
Have campaign contributions ever influenced the way you
legislate? Have you ever used foreign contributions to fund your
campaign? Have you ever voted to directly or indirectly use
Social Security surpluses to fund general governmental
expenditures? Have you ever demagogued against reforms that you
knew would have benefited society as a whole? By having
politicians require us to take polygraph tests, we are in a
unique position to request that politicians do the same. Let us
work together and have NM become the first state where political
candidates are routinely asked to take polygraph tests.
As we struggle to understand the motivation for this effort to
change the Regulations to allow for polygraphy at the labs,
there are too many unanswered questions. I am getting frustrated
because no one seems to be able to answer a number of simple
We all want strong national security.
Therefore, the DOE must be extremely careful avoid even a hint
of a witch-hunt.
Don't forget that alienation was the reason that Albert Einstein,
Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi and others chose to work for us rather
than Germany. If you come storming in here with a McCarthy style
witch-hunt, it will aggravate rather than relieve the anger and
resentment that already exists.
Comments for Polygraph Hearing by Stewart Silling
In the late 19th century, it was thought by some that you could
tell whether a person was a criminal or not by measuring the
shape of his head. This technique had two problems: false
positives, and false negatives. But national security was at
stake. Society had to be protected from criminals. So, many
authorities thought this was a useful test.
In the days of witch trials, a suspected witch was sometimes
made to recite the 23rd Psalm or other text.
But national security was at stake. Society had to be protected
from witches
A leading authority on polygraph testing from DOD, who spoke
here at Sandia last week, admitted that polygraph testing has
two problems: false positives and false negatives. But national
security is at stake. Society must be protected. So, these
problems don't matter.
. Augusta Georgia: ***@ugusta: Scientists: Polygraphs
make us all suspects 08...
... labs, Livermore in California and Los Alamos and Sandia in
New Mexico, have made it clear they're worried ... we do not
need another witch hunt,'' he wrote in a newsletter
[Found on Yahoo!]
68. Blistering Attack on Polygraph Policy / Lawrence Livermore
employees sound off on
... detector tests as a way to prevent spying at the nation's
nuclear labs, calling it a ``witch hunt ... held at labs in Los
Alamos and Sandia, both in New Mexico
[Found on Yahoo!]
Sandia National Laboratories has always been the smaller, saner,
more prim sister to Los Alamos, her neighboring nuclear lab to
the north. So maybe it's not so surprising that after flirting
with the idea of bidding to run Los Alamos, the University of
Texas has decided to shack up with Sandia instead. The five-year
deal -- the first of its kind -- calls for the Longhorns to
start independently reviewing the work of Sandia scientists and
Texas Records
I started collecting Black Witch records in 2001 which was a
relatively good year for the species
For 2002, I only know of six Black Witch records from across
North America, of which only three were from Texas.
Ray kept track of the number of Black Witches that, upon his
passing, flew up out of the sargassum that sometimes was piled
two feet high at high tide
He found none of the moths during May patrols prior to May 30,
the date I began receiving multiple daily reports of Black
Witches from across Texas in 2004.
New Mexico's records show a typical June and July pattern, but
oddly only one record before and after that period.
Bernalillo Co. Albuquerque 20 June 2004 3-5 from Rio Grande
Bosque to NE Heights/Foothills at 6500'
Catron Co Zuni Salt Lake 23 June 2004 So. shore of cinder cone
lake, Elev. 6,220 ft
Bernalillo Co. Sandia Park 10 July 2004 Sandia Mtns E. of
15. witch women
... i am the throat. of the sandia mountains. a night wind woman ... [Found on Yahoo!]
i am the throat
of the sandia mountains
a night wind woman
who burns
with every breath
she takes
-Joy Harjo
All children are wild. You lived in the wild country. Why are
you afraid of it?
5. DOE Document - Integrated test plan for directional boring
This integrated test plan describes the field testing of the
DITCH WITCH Directional Boring System.^DITCH WITCH is a
registered trademark of The Charles Machine Works, Inc. ...
WITCH is a r...
[Found on Yahoo!]
This integrated test plan describes the field testing of the
DITCH WITCH Directional Boring System."DITCH WITCH" is a
registered trademark of The Charles Machine Works, Inc., Perry,
Oklahoma.^The test is being conducted as a coordinated effort
between Charles Machine Works (CMW), Sandia National
Laboratories (SNL), and the Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC)
A witch was herding the sheep of a man of Bernadillo. A Cochiti
herdsman asked for employment of the same sheep owner and was
accepted. He went to the sheep country and met the man who was a
witch. They herded together. They became acquainted and they
told each other stories
For Christ's sake, hurry so that we will get home before our
flock is stolen." As he said the name of Christ the witch threw
him off and left him on the plains.
He picked himself up all alone and started to walk back. It was
a long distance and there were no towns there then. He was very
hungry and thirsty. It was east of Sandia
It is the Witch who yearns
It is apparent that Ms. Friedman continues
It was her goal to make sure
It is clear Ms. Friedman should concentrate
Kirtland AFB, NM, Sandia National Lab--the Sandia Labs have been
used for mind control. The one in NM is at Kirtland AFB 87117
(505-845-8692). It has bunkers that have been used for mind-
control. The one in Hawaii is at Hanapepe on the Garden Island
of Kauai (808-335-5611). Sandia Labs also has a presence in
Aibuquerque, NM. Sandia Labs has worked on such secret projects
such as the W-88 nuclear warhead which was mounted on the
Trident II missiles carried by Ohio-class subs. Mind-controlled
slaves help keep Sandia Lab's research secret.
Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA. -- Esalen is the Tavistock of
America. They give workshops on hypnosis, biofeedback,
Witchcraft (for instance, their Rituals of Transformation class).
Instructors include: witch Margo Adler, Cranio-sacral D.O. Jim
Asher, psychologist Adam Burke who specializes in trance
training, Patti Lawrence (who does cranial work), Caroline Muir
(a tantric sex yoga expert), Robert Swanson (a Dolphin expert),
Charles Tart (a expert w/ altered states of consciousness),
Karen Turner (a witch psychologist), & Anna Wise who is skilled
in using EEGs to measure & train brain waves. These are only a
few of the many occult or interesting instructors that the
Esalen Institute has.
of their programming. This list is added as a supplement to
those sites exposed in the Vol. 2 book. Slaves have to come in
to the "SHOP" periodically to have certain maintenance programs
renewed to maintain the power of the programming. Most slaves
that are being used in operations come in at a minimum every 2-3
years. Most people who have been programmed are sleepers. And
many people who have horrible programs to carry out are
programmed for the next few years. All kinds of sites are used,
for instance, Boy and Girl Scout camps, a big church in
Greensboro, NC, a desert site near Tucson, AZ, and hotels in New
Orleans. Many people who have been "recruited" (beguiled and
trapped) into the mind-control are seen being sent to Colorado
Springs, CO. A network of daycare centers has been established
worldwide by the Illuminati's Network for the programming and
recruiting of children. A series of Youth Hostels has also been
created (originally by the communists) for Network goals, and
have been widely used by the communist faction of the World
Order. The elite have their own schools, such as Eaton School in
the UK which receives some Illuminati children under mind-
control. Watch the Office of Global Analysis, which is an
intelligence group for global analysis for the NWO. Also watch
out for the National Program Office (NPO) which is reported to
have been created in 1982 to oversee "black" programs of the
intelligence agencies. The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
is another black ops group. This group is in part housed within
the Pentagon and deals with assassination teams. It uses lots of
illegal funds which it launders through another Pentagon agency
called the DSAA (Defense Security Assistance Agency). Gen.
Howard Fish, Mr. Eric Von Marbod, Gen. Phil Gast were the men in
DSAA that laundered the NRO's money. I. Irving Davidson, who has
one foot in the mafia & one in the military black ops is a go-
between. One of the assassination programs they ran years ago
was the Zeta Diogenes (ZD) project. Different agencies that
participated had different codes for the programs. The men used
in these NRO programs are mind-controlled slaves in some cases,
it is not known what % if any are not under mind-control. They
are organized as cells and are operating in various military,
national guard, and secret reserve units. Present-day Russia's
Guards Directorate has two "counter-terrorist" divisions Alfa
and Vympel. These were formerly part of the KGB, and employ mind-
controlled victims in their work. OP-06-D is the unit assigned
to perform penetration tests to determine security at these
different military/intelligence bases used for programming.
Air Force Units to watch:
Aerospace Defense Intelligence Center ADIC
Air Force Intelligence Support Agency AFISA (recent name) of the
Air Force's all sources intelligence organization.
Kelly AFB has the 693rd Intelligence Wing located there.
57. Owed to a Spell In Chequer -- Catweasel's Corner at Enchanted Spirit
... To rite with care is quite a feet. Of witch won should be
proud. ... PO Box 1080. Sandia Park NM 87047
[Found on Yahoo!]
5. Other Programming Sites
... for instance, their Rituals of Transformation class).
Instructors include: witch Margo Adler, Cranio-sacral D.O ...
Kirtland AFB, NM, Sandia National Lab--the Sandia Labs have been
used... [Found on Yahoo!]
59. Schneier on Security: The Doghouse:
... In times of turmoil and insecurity, witch hunt and
suspicions, expropriations and diminishing credibility of our
world ...
[Found on Yahoo!]
60. General Contractor - Finding and working with a Residential
General Contractor - -...
... She called it a "witch-hunt." ... "Luminaries to light up
Main Street this weekend (Benton Courier) "TEXAS, SANDIA SHACK UP [Found on Yahoo!]
66. program 1996
... Jeff Everts, Chair. Sandia National Lab, Albuquerque, NM ...
the nest paper presents a high performance full crossbar witch
for use in Video Signal Processing systems . [Found on Yahoo!]
Sandia National Laboratories
So it's a very light, humorous way to make the point that
industry really needs to consider security when they're
implementing SCADA systems and real-time digital control. ...
So why is that a threat?
The real threat to small incidents like this is that they might
become more numerous, and they also can be executed remotely.
And so if you could do this across the country in different
places, you might affect the confidence of the U.S. population
on a particular sector, in a particular activity that they have
to perform that's related or controlled by SCADA systems. ...
Sandia and the Boeing Company signed an
umbrella cooperative research and development
agreement (CRADA) Sept. 5 to develop technologies
that mutually benefit
security mission, are also key enablers for Boeing's
wide range of space, communications, commercial
airplane, and integrated defense systems. This
CRADA allows us jointly
Iraqi threat real, imminent,
says former Sandian, UN
weapons inspector Jim Lee
Lovenheim, Lisa. DESERT FABULOSO. New York: NAL Penguin,
This is about gay life in Santa Fe. LAP.
Minneapolis: Milkweed, 1988.
A collection of stories that conveys subdued tensions and
danger stemming from the characters' tenuous ability to make
sense of the world, and from their search for connectedness.
Inspector McKee, on vacation from Manhattan Homicide and
seeking shelter in a violent storm, is marooned on an isolated
Sandia Mountains ranch with a curious assortment of stranded
fellow travelers and a pair of murderers.
Durga says Mallove came back to his boyhood home on Friday to
clean it up after his tenants moved out.
Durga says,"We were together until approximately seven o'clock.
When I drove out of there at eight his van was gone."
Lt. Tim Menard, Norwich police, says,"He was found outside of
the house and he had a blunt force trauma to his face and neck."
Fran Durga who has always kept an eye on this house for Dr.
Mallove says he never say anyone come by on Friday, although the
doctor did tell him three people did stop by to ask about
renting the house. That sign now sits on the top of the dumpster.
Which is where Durga believes conspiracy theories surrounding
Mallove's work with the controversial theory cold fusion which
says you can get energy without cost or pollution - belong.
Durga says,"I gotta tell you, I think that's hogwash."
The Report also cites a senior member of the technical staff at
the U.S. government's Sandia National Laboratories, James Corey,
who expressed at the September 2003 Energetic Materials
Intelligence Symposium that "an overdue revolution in science
will arrive, [and] the reputations of cold fusion scientists and
those who revile them may be reversed."
My long-time friend, Dr. Eugene Mallove, is dead. The local
police have ruled his death a homicide.
At this writing, his killer is (or "killers" are) unknown, and
the precise reasons for his brutal killing are equally
The timing of Gene's death - May 14, 2004, just as his 15-year,
literal one scientist crusade to force the world's scientific
and political communities to take seriously a revolutionary form
of energy that can literally "change the world" was finally
about to be vindicated this year, by a reversal of the original
negative analysis 15 years ago by the same government agency,
the U.S. Department of Energy - makes no sense, regardless of
the exact reasons for his murder.
American Nobel Laureate in Physics (1988) Leon M. Lederman is no
proponent of research into radical forms of new energy; one
might accurately call him a "pathological skeptic" based on at
least one opinion he has voiced (see The God Particle, 1993, p.
122). Nonetheless, he somehow senses that a physics revolution
may be upon us. He said recently, "You can smell discovery in
the air - The sense of imminent revolution is very strong." (New
York Times, November 11, 2003, p.D12).
Several recent developments, however, in the cold fusion arena
make it impossible to ignore a scenario in which Gene was killed
for political reasons.
As of about January, the DOD expressed a renewed interest in
cold fusion. This interest could be (COULD be) related to the
fact that one of the byproducts of the process is tritium, an
element utilized in bomb production. To forward the making of
large amounts of tritium would, of course, require major money
and an expanded effort.
Mallove had traveled to Norwich to clean out items from the
19 Salem Turnpike house
First of all, he noted how the stop sign poem tied in very
closely to my lack of direction, disgust with what I'm studying,
and exploring new interests and such (from randomness). Second,
he praised me for my willingness and efforts to diversify my
life. And finally he made a career suggestion that might entail
more of my interests. Crime scene investigator. Forensics.
Ooh, so this idea pops up again. Interesting?I have some
thinking to do about a lot of things including this. So
maintaining this page is bringing interesting things my way?
first the guy looking for Sitting Bull Falls pics, then the
Sandia Soap guy, and now this. Cool :)
Today has consisted of packing, panicking, and errand running.
I have to crash decently early and tomorrow it's off to Boston!
*** / ***
But first, a poem.
Category theory is a ghost that roams
Appendices of theses in search of a home.
Few know of it,
Fewer understand it,
Still fewer have the guts to put it in a poem.
- Anurag Acharya
Thanks to Jaideep Ray for pointing me at this.
Z Machine at the Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico
have accelerated a small plate from zero to 76,000 mph in less
than a second. The speed of the thrust was a new record for
Sandia's "Z Machine" - not only the fastest gun in the West, but
in the world too.
42. Sandia National Laboratories - April 4, 2003
... Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho. Although
firefighting aircraft ... on the minds of Sandia President and
Labs Director C ... I was in Moscow the second week in January
and [Found on Yahoo!]
Z produces fusion neutrons, Sandia scientists confirm
Throwing its hat into the ring of machines that offer the
possibility of achieving controlled nuclear fusion, Sandia's
Z machine has created a hot dense plasma that produces
thermonuclear neutrons, Labs researchers will announce
From this point on many other persons became involved. Bennewitz
was called down to a meeting at Kirtland AFB at which several
major Air Force officers and Sandia personnel were present,
including a Brigadier General. Earnest Edwards has confirmed
that the three guards under his command re- ported what was
described, and that the meeting took place. Bennewitz has
confirmed that Doty and Jerry Miller came to his home to view
his mater- ials and there is a document signed by Thomas A. Cseh,
Commander of the Base Investigative Detachment, to confirm this.
Finally there is the com- plete set of documents which were
released by AFOSI Headquarters under cover of the Department of
the Air Force relating to the described events.
- Navajo Code Talkers - Bill gives Loyal Shawnee
to get High Honors Separate Status
- Request Elders Ceremony - Board Agrees with Crow
for Uranium Contamination on Land Swap
- Facts About the Hopi/Navajo - Native Prisoner
Conflict - History: Carlisle Indian School
- Ya'a'tee - Rustywire: Snow, Wind & Going Home
- Pueblo Continues - Poem: Old Man
Sandia Mountain Fight - Verse: Hawaiian Book of Days
- Riders Trace Tragic Route - Community TV Hopes
to Renew Lakota Ways to Promote Mohawk Language
- Hogan Project Underway in Cameron - Mayan Ruins Provide Hints
- Mohawk Return to of Urban Sprawl
Traditional Government Document - Upcoming Events
- Tribal Roots are Part - Mission Woman Gets
of Effort to Save Salmon Presidential Award
- Plan Would Help - The Lesson of Respect
60. The Roost " Spirit
... the President is referring to the persuasive 1998 report
prepared by J.J. Rivera of Sandia National Laboratories: [Found on Yahoo!]
39. Improbable Research -- What's New
... (NOTE: The poem does exist. The author apparently chooses to
remain anonymous.) ... and legacy codes," prepared by J.J.
Rivera of Sandia National Laboratories. The report says: ...
[Found on Yahoo!]
Most likely, the President is referring to the persuasive 1998
report prepared by J.J. Rivera of Sandia National Laboratories:
Design engineers are becoming few in number and years worth of
experience is about to be lost. What will happen when new
weapons are designed or retrofits need to be made? Who will know
the lessons learned in the past? What process will be followed?
When and what software codes should be used? Intelligent design
is the answer to the questions posed above for weapon design.
The report is titled ?Intelligent design using expertise
knowledge, manufacturing data, and legacy codes.? Its final
section, labeled ?CONCLUSIONS
Subject: NUKE TERRORISM 101: Media frenzy today! Get your hot
schedule! Plop those tapes into your VCRs, folks! Hi Patricia,
Thanks for your letter (shown below) alerting people to our
local power plant's front-page local news coverage (I've
included the whole article, below).
Despite the article's ominous-sounding title, the point of the
article seems to be that everything's being watched carefully
now -- by both sides. Oh, folks, yes, we know it's a lot to
worry about, after all, Sandia said so, but we can handle it.
(Sandia Labs reports are heavily referenced in the article; but
CRAC-2 is actually such an underestimation, it's practically
fiction.) Just relax folks; go back to sleep. New security
arrangements will stop everything that might be thrown at these
plants, and local activists's concerns will help ensure that the
government does as much as necessary.
Of course, the paper's view couldn't be more wrong -- public
interest is the only thing that will save us. The plants are
vulnerable to everything from balloonists with radio (or fly-by-
wire) controlled, titanium-tipped steel flechettes (which could
penetrate the containment dome, as any engineer worth half his
degree can calculate) to underwater suicide bombers who float
into the intake tunnels with massive quantities of underwater
explosives, and remotely actuated charges. With the right
bladder full of simple household chemicals, they could destroy
the plant over a period of days by introducing corrosive
elements into the coolant loops, which would cross the various
barriers through the hundreds of brittle-fracture cracks which
are already KNOWN TO EXIST in the circulation loops of these
All hell will break loose if this happens. Maybe the NRC will
dodge a bullet. But across the nation, it's a barrage, and they
can't dodge that. At least, not with their current meager
Those who pretend we can provide adequate security for nuclear
facilities ignore the real issues. They all argue cutely about
guys coming at the plant with a few pea-shooters and fire-
crackers, instead of laser weapons (yes, the terrorists might
have these), or electromagnetic pulse weapons. Even crude
chicken-wire can be used to short-circuit the plant's electrical
systems -- and if you choose the right systems, that alone can
bring down the plant, and the operators might not have a chance
to drop the control rods, and not only that, they might not drop
properly anyway. That's always a risk.
What's a little public interest when there are so many ways to
put local citizens back to sleep again?
February 1998: What is a "LifeGuard?"
April 1998: Letter to the FBI
May 1998: The Sandia and Army Tests
sidebar on "True Believers"
August 1998: An Email Exchange -- You Be the Judge
August 1998: Threatening Letter from Lawyers
February 1999: "Insufficiently Advanced Magic Is Distinguishable
from Technology!"
These people say (and I tend to agree with them, though of
course it's never possible to truly know what other people
really think when they're building) that the LCR circuit doesn't
need to work as an electronic or dielectric circuit -- it's all
just part of the structure needed to support what is really a
sympathetic magic spell (similar to sticking pins in a doll of
someone, with bits of hair and nail clippings in it, to hurt
them). But as the previous Sandia report proved, this
particular spell works no better than random guessing. Maybe
the incantation was off. Or maybe it needs to be a piece of
human heart between the two pieces of dielectric material? <eg>
Or, as my wife observed, they simply didn't understand
sympathetic magic -- you need a piece of that particular
person's hair to make it work.
What would it take to convince me that I'm wrong about the
LifeGuards? Well, I'd consider DKL's claims extraordinary, so
I'd want to see extraordinary proof to overcome the solid
scientific negative results of the Sandia tests.
First, I'd like to have some theoretical justification that a
dielectrokinetic force can swivel a half-pound device that you
hold in your hands. All I've heard or seen so far is handwaving
about the dielectric equations
14. AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth
CEO email confirms Microsoft is abandoning gays because of
religious right (4/23) ... Why not just model ourselves on the
Salem witch trials instead?
[Found on Google]
10. The Burning Times in The Summerlands
When we had little information on the Witch trials, scholars
used to guess that hundreds ... Satan encouraged all evils,
especially sexual ones -- so gays, .
[Found on Google]
Satan granted his followers magickal powers and great knowledge --
so mid-wives, magicians, diviners, healers, and scholars were
accused. Satan was the father of heresy -- so Pagans, Christo-
Pagans, and Christian heretics were killed. Satan encouraged all
evils, especially sexual ones -- so gays, sexually independent
women, criminals, and "loose" or beautiful women fell under
suspicion. All suffering and ugliness was of the Devil, and that
made the elderly, the plain, and the handicapped suspect.
7. Who was responsible for the Burning Times?
Everyone. All segments of European society supported the Witch
trials: the Church, the Inquisition, secular government,
intellectuals, the "common" folk, healers and doctors.
Shockingly, even Witches themselves supported the Burning Times.
12. Witches' Voice, The - Gay Gods
Supplies brief profiles of a selection of deities from Greek,
Egyptian, Phoenician, Norse, Hindu, & Mayan cultures who were
the subject of gay themed myths or worship.
Sponsored by:
[Found on LookSmart Reviewed]
By Ron Grossman
Chiago Tribune staff reporter
May 12, 2003
Heresy trials, a distant echo of witch burnings, have reappeared
on the American religious scene as part of a bitter struggle
between progressives and conservatives.
"It was painful to see the church invest its time and money to
prosecute me and to uphold institutional bigotry," said Creech,
who subsequently became chairman of the board of Soulforce, an
interfaith gay-rights group
7. labnews08-23-02 (Color)
I am not a witch or warlock.. .I have many examples of dowsing.s
usefulness and it.s fun,. he wrote. .We had fun with it at
Sandia, looking for.
[Found on Ask Jeeves]
Trashing the Moral Matrix
he crown jewel of all the arguments in favor of gay marriage is
this: "How would gay marriage harm your marriage?" It's not an
argument, really; it's a question meant to place the burden of
an argument on the shoulders of traditionalists; normal folks
are expected to justify the continued existence of the complex
moral matrix that was created to nurture normal heterosexual
relationships. The burden of the argument should rightly be on
the shoulders of the challengers to demonstrate that the
legitimization of homosexual perspectives and behaviors will not
damage traditional social institutions in any way. It's an
intellectual burden that homosexuals and their liberal
cheerleaders cannot support.
The true challenge to America is not simply the issue of gay
marriage, but the moral implications of an ever expanding
homosexual comfort zone. That comfort zone has been expanding at
an accelerating rate ever since that evening in 1946 when Harry
Hay, a gay communist, first re-imagined homosexuals as an
"oppressed people".
Now, in a gush of gay friendliness, comes the mixed-gender dorm
room. The New York Times (5/11/02) informs us that this
departure from tradition "is less about sex than sexual politics"
and the increasingly powerful presence of gay and lesbian groups
on campus- groups nurtured by the colleges themselves.
It seems the big push to abolish prohibitions against mixed-
gender dorm rooms came from homosexuals who declared such
traditional decorum to be "heterosexist." That was all the
liberal administrators at places such as Swarthmore and
Haverford College needed to hear; it was like an incantation
they could not resist. And the problem? Gay students were
uncomfortable sharing living space with a roommate of the same
Sandia Abuses Christians
At least 300 of America's 500 most powerful companies have gay-
friendly employment policies. These policies often exceed a
proper insistence on tolerance and civility and become a
promotion of gay social values so aggressive as to discriminate
against traditional men and women.
Not to be outdone by corporations, the Sandia National
Laboratories in New Mexico discriminates against religious
believers daily, while lavishing preferential treatment on
homosexuals. Sandia management explicitly forbids people of
faith to place any references to religion or religious events on
its bulletin boards. The faithful are prohibited from using
computer screen savers with religious content. The bosses demand
the removal of all posters, books and pictures with religious
content. Sandia management even forbade its engineers from
naming a reconnaissance robot Caleb, after the biblical spy.
25. The Inner Room
Truth and Love are the only authenic tenets found in the
teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. ... me off to the Sandia
Mountains one weekend and insisted ... specific portion of the
Sandia Mount... [Found on Yahoo!]
It was early in the evening after the sun had fully set leaving
the house quite dark particularly on moonless nights. San
Damiano lies in an area where the lights of Albuquerque are
blocked by the Sandia Mountains and our particular subdivision
has no annoying streetlights, permitting the night skies to be
lit only by the moon and that marvelous multitude of stars. I
had placed one of my Navajo rugs in front of one of the three
glass sliding doors in the rather large and then mostly empty
grand room.
Michael and I set at opposite ends of the Navajo rug and we
chanted no words of incantation; we simply remained quiet and
waited for something to happen on its own. And after some
period of time, something strange did eventually begin to
Our own weekend presentation of this HIV/AIDS program had taken
place in one of Albuquerque's newer hotels and meeting centers
that had initially been designated as the "Pyramid." It was
just north of town on I-25 in the direction of Santa Fe. The
program was certainly varied covering almost every known aspect
of this disease, and one of the most intriguing and certainly
popular of the various offerings was a presentation offered by a
Native American Medicine Man.
He felt that this raging epidemic of AIDS was just one of the
many tragic symptoms of our unwarranted exploitation of the
environment that most unfortunately and for no apparent reason
only affected just a particular portion of the human inhabitants
of this earth; at that time, largely Africans in general and gay
men in much of the rest of the world. His suggested and
articulated answer to this ominous problem was a much-needed
return to a more balanced and humane treatment of not only the
physical and ecological earth itself but also its varied
inhabitants; equal respect for nature as well as the varied
human inhabitants is considered most essential for universal
we both were either drawn back or lead to those most basic of
all elements of this suffering mother earth at almost the
precise time of the same day; what a wonderful and mysterious
Another bit of pertinent trivia that focuses on this whole story
has to do with the very source for the name of my mystical
setting in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains.
I would like very much to contact Lawrence Lee, by whom I have a
very special print--especially to me. It is an androgynous
Indian (Tribe?) with a single (long-stem) orchid in front. I
have used the image as an icon on my "orchid website" (non-
commercial) as a link to a section about a book which I have
recent begun to write. "The Shamans of San Damiano"
And now, with all of this having been said and done, I want to
take you on a mystical journey that began somewhere before the
later days of the 18th Century in that most intriguing and
mesmerizing Land of Enchantment...
... on a lark, they both said a prayer (or incantation? -
Branton) that they would see a flying ... being replicated at
Kirtland AFB & Sandia Laboratories & these replicas are referred
[Found on Yahoo!]
4. Mack sewell office of epidemiologz
Review of Department of Homeland Security, Sabrina Steffen, ...
(It was pointed out in discussion that John Vitko, formerly at
Sandia National Laboratories,
[Found on Google]
Sabrina presented to the group a summary of the new evolving
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the federal government.
The new Department has five directorates: border and
transportation security; emergency preparedness and response;
information analysis and infrastructure protection; science and
technology; and management. In addition, several other agencies
are being folded into the Department: Coast Guard, Secret
Service, Citizenship and Immigration Services, state and local
government coordination and private sector liaison.
Key initiatives of this program will include the integration and
deployment of early bio-warning systems, and research on non-
traditional forms of bio-surveillance, advanced detection
technologies, and biological signatures. (It was pointed out in
discussion that John Vitko, formerly at Sandia National
Laboratories, Livermore, CA, will be heading up the DHS program
in biology and chemistry.)
Sabrina's vu-graphs can be viewed as a pdf file:
Homeland Security Briefing
10. A day in the life of President Bush (8/8/05): photos
Pete Domenici, R-NM, second left, after Bush signed the act at
Sandia National ... Sabrina is eight, will be in third grade,
but she is reading at a first ... [Found on Google]
4. The Rise and Rise of Sabrina by Chris Green
Inevitably adolescence and revolution came to Sabrina and she
ran away to do her own ... briefly on the scene giving Sabrina
security and a lot more money. ... [Found on Google]
6. Free Sabrina
Sabrina, The Teenage Witch Free Sabrina ... Security Guard-
Excuse me, ma'am. Sabrina turns round to find a man-mountain of
a security guard standing there. [Found on Google]
. Sabrina's Pen Pal
Sabrina, The Teenage Witch Sabrina's Pen Pal ... Sabrina reaches
into the control box and shuts off the security beams. Zelda-
Great! Okay, here goes. [Found on Google]
11. E. Damiani S. De Capitani di Vimercati S. Paraboschi P. Samarati
F. Violante
... 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security.
c. Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati ... 9th ACM Conference on
Computer and Communications Security. c [Found on Yahoo!]
with the security tag still on it into Sabrina's shopping bag. ...
Amazed that no alarms go off, Sabrina then leaves and the
security detectors go off.
[Found on Google]
... taking money from the Social Security lock box. sabrina
missing, email searches, missing files from ... need to "dip
into Social Security. sabrina missing, email searches, missing
files [Found on Yahoo!]
46. The Resolution Of All The Fruitless Searches
... The next morning, CJ helped Sabrina with her bags and
dropped her off at the ... Sabrina got to the gate just as they'd
started boarding. The security officers were randomly
[Found on Yahoo!]
(security abasing breaking investigating natty aplication)
sabrina is a bruteforce password cracker for several kinds of
windows password dialogs.
9. Conference Speaker:
... Catering to gay and lesbian travelers, Sabrina gained
valuable insight into community and ... developing gay and
lesbian markets in Provincetown, Sabrina co-founded Provincetown
[Found on Yahoo!]
12. ColdWar II Timeline 2002 Events
... and Sandia in New Mexico - will have to come up with the new
ground-penetration technology. Sandia has already patented a new
penetrator (see graphic). [Found on Google]
2. Battles Beneath The Earth
Related Projects are studied at Sandia Base by 'The Jason Group'
(of 55 ... He entered a small opening beneath the building and
claimed to have seen a dead
[Found on Google]
"MIND MANIPULATING EXPERIMENTS... The Dulce Base has studied
mind control implants; Bio-Psi Units; ELF Devices capable of
Mood, Sleep and Heartbeat control, etc.
May 1-2, 2000. Bob Sojka and David J. Horne, visiting New
Zealand Soil Physicist, traveled to Moscow, Idaho, to meet with
students and faculty interested in research on polyacrylamide
(PAM) use for erosion control, infiltration enhancement and
water clarification. Dr. Horne is spending a six month sabbatic
with the Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory
(NWISRL) to study the effects of PAM on infiltration uniformity.
In Moscow, Sojka met with Ross Spackman, a Ph.D. student in the
Department of Plant Soils and Entomological Sciences; Sojka is
on Spackman's degree committee. On May 2nd Sojka presented a
seminar in the Engineering Department on work from the NWISRL
use of PAM for erosion control and runoff water quality
improvement. (KIM20000511N5
"battle beneath the earth". Aside from the human and reptilian
entities, there are some ... Sandia Laboratories & these
replicas are referred to as ARVs [Found on Google]
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Idaho , Moscow, Idaho 83844-1021
Office: BEL 310, Office phone: 208-885-7652, email:
Fax: 208-885-7462 Aaron Thomas
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Florida-Gainesville, 2001.
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1996.
Summer 1996. Intel Corporation, Rio Rancho, NM. Worked in the
Fabrication 9 Plant in the Diffusion/Environmental area. I was
in charge of taking careful account of all the chemicals that
were fed, reacted, and released in each step in the making of a
support device to the Pentium microprocessor and the Flash
Memory Chip. This involved contacting the various group leaders
in charge of the various steps in the process and gaining a full
knowledge on the physics and the requirements behind their
Summer 1995 and 1994. Stanford University, American Indian
Summer Immersion Program(AISIP). Taught a three week calculus
course to Stanford's Native American freshman for two summers.
Developed the curriculum from the calculus book used in Stanford'
s engineering classes. Summer 1994. Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. Part of Sandia's Summer
Employment Program for Minority Youth. Worked with Parallel
Computing Division on computer codes used to solve engineering
Other Professional Business
To be determined
Effective Summer 2004, I have accepted a full time position as a
metrologist at Sandia National Laboratories.
I will continue to read e-mail sent to the UNM ME e-mail address,
and am happy to advise current or former students. I will be
happy to provide a PE signature for my former students.
The magic incantation is "chmod -R 755 *.*", otherwise, the
Apache webserver will give you a HTTP403 error!
University of New Mexico
52. Mutation Jubilation: 200406
... doodle , scorecard impish , incantation . seaward . corn ,
clergymen6 ... shuddery chemist dada incantation actress. vhf ...
remediable statutory scorecard incantation contact cryostat
[Found on Yahoo!]
54. Cernunnos Consortium: July 2004
Greetings Earthlings, Visitors, Mutants!!! Belief in a nurturing
Earth Mother is a feature of modern Neopagan ... derate
bonaparte clytemnestra sandia cameo inexplicable bullyboy silky
[Found on Yahoo!]
Sandia is a national security laboratory involved in a variety
of research and development programs to help secure a peaceful
and free world through technology.
We develop technologies to sustain, modernize, and protect our
nuclear arsenal, prevent the spread of weapons of mass
destruction, defend against terrorism, protect our national
infrastructures, ensure stable energy and water supplies, and
provide new capabilities to our armed forces.
Magic Cube ? The Sandia-developed "Magic Cube" can blow a
fragment-free hole in 1/4-inch steel.
42. Sandia National Laboratories - April 4, 2003
... Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho. Although
firefighting aircraft ... on the minds of Sandia President and
Labs Director C ... I was in Moscow the second week in January
[Found on Yahoo!]
Scott Griffin spent his first 19 years in or around Boise, ID.
Then he spent his next 5 years in Northern Idaho (Moscow) and
Eastern Washington (Pullman, Palouse, Spokane).
For the past 16 years Scott has lived in Albuquerque, NM. He
has acquired a B.S. and M.S. degree and has acquired a huge
number of undergraduate and graduate level credit hours at Boise
State University, University of Idaho, Washington State
University, University of New Mexico, and Albuquerque TVI
Community College.
Scott has ridden a motorcycle all around Southern and Northern
I've also rock climbed all over the Sandia Mountains outside
Albuquerque. In terms of a philosophy of life, I like and
highly recommend the classic existential writing of Robert
Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (you don't
have to be into motorcycles to enjoy)
Sixteen years ago I took a trip that taught me the importance of
paying attention to the details on a map before setting off on a
journey. It was my first trip by myself. My plan was to visit
relatives in Moscow, Idaho and then travel to Bend, Oregon for a
much-needed R&R stay at Sun River Lodge.
The first leg of my journey went fine. To begin my second leg, I
quickly looked at my map, used my fingers to determine the
shortest route from Moscow to Bend and set out on my way. It was
noon on a Sunday and I anticipated a seven-hour trip. As I
settled into my little VW Rabbit, I noticed my gas tank read 1/2
full. Anxious to get going, I told myself that I would fill up
To make a long story short, this trip took me 13 hours. The
route I so haphazardly chose took me through seven mountain
passes (called The Seven Devils as I learned later -- apt
What does all of this have to do with dreams? A couple of things.
First, I got to thinking how wonderful it would be if there was
a software program available where you could put in your dream
and receive clear directions on how to reach it
PO Box 1080
Sandia Park - NM - 87047
Karmic challenges
Karmic work to do
Order a
Karma and Destiny
6. le Clementine - cocina
... para despues pasar a las tartas de hojaldre hechas de fruta
o de distintas xtipos de mermeladas como por ejemplo la mermelada
de sandia acaramelada. ...
[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]
home, must have own machine,
non-smoking, motivated, great
student job. Spraggins, 256-7408.
7. Sewing is EVIL, the DEVIL invented it !
... heretics and. >>witches like sewing.And heretics and witches
shall BURN ! Maybe he is just poor at spelling and thinks we're
a bunch of lawyers. 'To sew' could
[Found on Yahoo! Search]
54. Macbeth
And Sew it Was - Costume design and custom sewing, Macbeth ...
the world of mysticism by the words of the witches, and his
desired to be what they see ... And Sew it Was. Page design by LK [Found on Yahoo! Search]
With a puff of lint, the horrible monster emerged from his lair.
It was the dreaded level 1/2 Blanket Monster, a horrifying golem
knitted together in ages past by insidious old witches who would
sew such monstrosities together when they met on weekends before
It was a +24 Mithril Gauntlet of Egregious and Near
Instantaneous Irrevocable Unholy Destruction. It glowed with an
unearthly light and pulsated with ancient power emanating from
the unspeakable runes scrawled all over its surface. What was it
doing there? Why did a blanket beast guard it? Was it some sort
of bug in the program? Not even I can tell you, but there it was.
What can I say?
16. Breaking News
... of Scholars - a Tapestry of Discovery." ... Sandia National
Laboratories. " The Tapia conference seeks to weave together
these unique threads to create a tapestry
[Found on Yahoo! Search]
Recently, I had the pleasure of delivering a joint presentation
on streaming media with Judy Hubbard of Sandia National
Laboratories to the Corporate Media Managers Association (CMMA).
As someone who has successfully implemented high-volume
streaming services using advanced video compression - both MPEG-
4 and Windows Media 9 - in her organization, Judy's insights and
experiences proved to be invaluable: Especially, regarding her
understanding of, and dealings with, the nuances of deploying
video services over IT networks. We thank Judy for graciously
allowing us to include her case study in POE.
. Easylit Poe - Poe Cask Essay
A Summary of Poe's Short Story "The Cask Of Amontillado". One of
the main themes of Edgar Allan Poe's The Cask Of Amontillado is
[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]
The 1998 Edgar A. Poe Award
Advocates of shipping the waste are quick to cite - and
distribute - videotapes of cask crash tests that Sandia National
Laboratories in New Mexico conducted in 1977 and 1978. Dramatic
footage shows casks being rammed by locomotives, barreling into
walls on the back of trucks and being subjected to other abuses.
"A cask is not going to open," said Cynthia Hilton, executive
director of the Association of Waste Hazardous Materials
Transporters. "In the movies, nothing happened to the casks.
The casks apparently survived, and viewers are told no excess
radiation could be detected. Emergency officials often say they
are reassured by the video.
What viewers are not told, however, is that one reason radiation
was undetected is that the casks held unused nuclear fuel, which
emits about one-millionth as much radiation as high-level
nuclear waste. The video also omits the fact that cracks
developed and lead shielding melted more than 90 minutes into
the fire test, or that fluid leaked from casks after two of the
crash tests, according to Sandia accounts of the tests.
8. The night battles: witchcraft and agrarian cults in the sixteenth
It was throught that witches on the way home from their
nocturnal gatherings were ... spoil the rest by urinating into
it or throwing filth into the casks. [Found on Google]
. You surely don't have casks outside the door
You surely don't have casks outside the door? ALTMAYER. ... (The
WITCH dissolves the circles. FAUST steps forth.) Come right on
out! You must not rest.
[Found on Google]
Purer and holier fires.
And when he breathes his master-lay
Of Alloways witch-haunted wall
All passions in our frames of clay
Come thronging at his call.
Such graves as his are pilgrim-shrines,
Shrines to no code or creed confined-
The Delphian vales, the Palastines,
The Meccas of the mind.
They linger by the Doon's low trees,
And pastoral Nith, and wooded Ayr,
And round thy Sepulchres, Dumfries!
The Poet's tomb is there.
. Sandia Researchers Develop Kevlar Reinforced Gauntlets to
Protect ...
Sandia have developed a prototype gauntlet to protect soldiers
arms during combat ... The gauntlets were then shipped to forces
in Iraq for recommendations.
[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]
65. chaosgods
... Many sorcerers and witches also pray to the chaos lords. ...
Favored Weapon: Bloodied Hand of Lorris (War Gauntlet) Lorris is
the blood god in Ateria
[Found on Yahoo! Search]
25. Topaz (Witches, Werewolf, Dracula, Dr. Strange character)
Group Membership: Witches (Jennifer Kale, Satana) ... Dr.
Strange for his part in saving the Universe during the events of
the Infinity Gauntlet. [Found on Ask Jeeves]
16. The Gauntlet
Click Here To submit a letter or a response to the Gauntlet. ...
when, we now know, some of the "witches" he sought to burn were
actually guilty of spying .
[Found on Google]
The drought has everyone concerned, and I agree with the
suggested moratorium on building until the drought eases. Even
communities back east in Maryland have imposed such limitations
as they too are in the midst of a terrible drought.
About this time last year a neighbor and I were finding dead
rabbits all over our property. Hmmm . . . .
Post a sign outside your house saying Please Conserve Water, or
if you have religious inclinations, God, please don't let us die
in the choking dust.
Research done by the National Science Foundation indicates that
we are presently experiencing only the beginning of warming
trends. Our source of water from annual snowfall in the Sandias
can be expected to diminish in the years to come.
36. eG - Ed-Op - Letter: Readers defend and define Christianity
... Editors, the Gauntlet, Re: "Homophobic dogma enraptures
Christians," Feb ... 20:13) and witches (Lev. 20:27) to death,
but it does not condemn non-Christians to death
Brad Cooke's article suggested that religion should have no
place in decisions regarding civil liberty. However, without
religion what is the difference between acceptable and
unacceptable behaviour?
Cooke's article misrepresented the Bible and Christianity. Yes,
the Bible sentences homosexuals (Lev. 20:13) and witches (Lev.
20:27) to death, but it does not condemn non-Christians to death.
Yes, Christians believe a certain way of life is better than
[Found on Yahoo! Search]
Gauntlet Opinions 08.09.2001
Burn the witches, burn the witches,
don't take time to sew your stiches
Burn the witches, burn the witches
Good is the thing that you favor, evil is your sour flavor
You cannot sedate all the things you hate
I don't need your hate, I decide my fate
You cannot sedate all the things you rape
23. Spectral Dynamics
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia
Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company for the United States
Department of Energy's...
[Found on Ask Jeeves]
. Spectral evidence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... injustices of the Salem Witchcraft Trials was the admission
of spectral evidence. Spectral evidence was testimony that the
accused witch's spirit (ie,
[Found on Google, Ask Jeeves, Yahoo! Search]
Anagram for "GEORGEWBUSH"
33. Dark Conspiracy
... NWO - Most Diabolical Conspiracy Of All Time. Occult Roots
Of The EU ... Rush Has Joined The CFR. Russians At Sandia.
Secret Activities [Found on Yahoo! Search]
The Parsifal Effect
Around this time, in the early 1950s, I was part of an after-
school group of gifted kids (including Johnny Glogower who
worked with me and Lenny Susskind at Cornell later on) conducted
by the late Walter Breen. Breen was a graduate student at
Columbia and well known Numismatist associated with psychologist
William Shelden. Breen had a connection with the nuclear weapons
laboratory, Sandia Corporation, because we were visited by two
men from Sandia who lectured us on "patriotism" and "anti-
communism" when they took us to dinner in New York's German Town
(86 th Street). Breen was closely connected with people in Ayn
Rand's circle. I can't remember if I met Breen before or after
the strange phone calls. I was recruited into Breen's group by
another kid in my Junior High School named Robert Bashlow. I
also was a member of the Civil Air Patrol in Brooklyn at age 14
which was definitely after the above "contact". Breen arranged a
full scholarship for me to go to Cornell at age 17 by writing an
extensive psychological profile on me in which he predicted I
would make revolutionary discoveries in the foundations of
physics. My professors at Cornell like Hans Bethe, Robert Wilson,
Phil Morrison et-al were all major figures in the Manhattan
Project at Los Alamos near where Sandia is located. I have just
learned that Breen recently died in prison convicted of child
molestation. I was definitely never molested by Breen or any of
the other adults that I met in his apartment and I never heard
any suggestions of that by the other kids. Indeed, Breen had two
children with the well known science-fiction fantasy writer,
Marion Zimmer Bradley who wrote the best-selling Mists of Avalon.
Breen told me he did much of the scholarly research in the
writing of that book. I would run into him about every 10 years,
or so, up until the about 1990.
My occult reverie was broken when Michel called out to me to
come away with him and Sharon.
Night came with a full August moon. Sharon, Michel and I took a
long walk from a party near the Bois De Boulogne back to the
Champs de Mars. It was about two in the morning when we arrived
at the base of the Eiffel Tower. Michel and some friends split
off to the left. Sharon and I started to walk on the path. We
had not gotten very far before I heard the sounds of motorcycle
engines behind me. I turned and was temporarily blinded by three
motorcycle headlights. I could see that there were two men in
black leather jackets on each of the three motorcycles 21. I
grabbed Sharon and we quickly walked off the path on to the
grassy field of Mars. The motorcyclists followed slowly and
began circling us. I noticed a young couple making love in the
grass. Sharon and I started to run towards them. One motorcycle
broke away from the circle and came right for us. The passenger
had a rubber truncheon. He walloped me on the back of my left
shoulder the way a Zen Master might. 22 All three motorcycles
sped off quickly. They made no further attempt to rob or harm us.
I cannot remember when the connection to the scene in Cocteau's
Orphee hit me. It would be years later that I learned that the
symbol of the Knights Templar 23 is two Knights on the same
horse and that my alleged ancestor Rashi de Troyes 24 (1040-1105)
played a role in their formation.
Fred Wolf was there and he suggested I go with Bardens. We had a
good dinner of duck in cherry sauce at the Blue Boar Inn. After
dinner, over brandy and cigars, Bardens leaned towards me with a
conspiratorial wink and said:
"First, I want you to know that I am a Cabalist." After a
dramatic pause he continued in a more officious tone: "Dr.
Sarfatti, it is my duty to inform you of a psychic war raging
across the continents between the Soviet Union and your country
and you are to be in the thick of it!"
Waking the Dead
Giles stared at Sidney, stunned. "Y-you mean that boy is a
natural Necromancer?"
"That's right. As far as I can tell, Eddie is a natural
Necromancer." Sidney's voice was now back to its normal pitch.
Giles paused to look at Eddie before replying. "You realize how
rare natural Necromancers are." Giles said it as a statement,
not a question.
Sidney nodded. "There have been, what, perhaps 20 natural
Necromancers in the last 1000 years? Now you realize why I have
taken him under my wing."
You stole a rocket launcher from an army base! Excellent!" Eddie
Eddie laughed. "Very cool. I once had to hunt down a coven of
witches in Northern Russia who had taken an army base as their
headquarters. They had cast a spell on the base that caused the
soldiers to be their slaves. So there I am, crawling through the
dark, trying to keep the soldiers from shooting me and the
witches from turning me into a frog or something." The male
Slayer told Xander, who had picked up the unloaded Glock and was
feeling its weight for the 5th time. "It was intense!"
Hold on!" Eddie called back. "You know, Buffy," he said as he
reloaded his gun and slipped it into its back holster, " The
next time you get the urge to jump on top of me, you don't have
to hit me with a book, just ask nicely!" With that he turned and
raced after Sidney who had already left.
After he had gone, Buffy turned to Willow, a look of expectation
on her face. "It seemed like a good idea at the time!"
the red-haired girl said defensively.
King Arthur: Who are these peasants?
Knight #1: We caught this one (pokes Richard in the back with
his sword) when he tried to steal thy
gauntlet your majesty.
Richard: I didn't steal it, it's mine!! I found it!!
Sam: Like you found the Necromonicon...
Prof. Campbell: Who found the Necromonicon?
Ashe: Prof. C! You have to help us!!
Prof. Campbell: Professor? What are you talking about you
disgusting primate? I work at S-Mart.
Knight #1: Why hast thou taken thy master's gauntlet?
Sam: This isn't real!!
Ashe: Not real?! Then how do you explain all this?!
Sam: I can't, that's what scares me.
Knight #1: Silence peasant!
Sam: Peasant?!
Ellie: Sam, please, don't agitate them.
Knight #2: What shall we do with them, sir?
Knight #3: Let's hang 'um!
Knight #2: No! Look at their clothing, they must be witches!
Ellie: What?!
Richard: Cool, what powers do I have?
Ashe: Shutup Richard!!! We aren't witches!!
Knight #1: Lets take them to the God who fell from the sky.
If you sank, you told the truth, but you died
If you floated, well, then you must have told a lie
This was their notion of what was fair
Whether it was true or not, they did not really care
It was an unimportant mistake
if they burned you at the stake
Down through history, they have reveled in hysteria
To whip the crowd into a panicked fright
satisfied their sadistic appetite
They worshiped their God with idle gossip
Your eyes from their sockets, they would cheerfully rip
If you should be so bold as to say
that you did not see things their way
They could not suffer you to live-
To contradict their superstition
was impossible to forgive
Human stupidity, it would appear
has changed very little, in 3000 years
To the unjustly accused,
this is a few too many millenia
to be so easily excused
When repentance is naught, repayment is due
This time, the witches are hunting for you
Into the cold heart, a silver dagger was stabbed
Quietly, the witches had penetrated a lab
making calculations and chanting incantations,
speaking in twisted tongues-in-cheek,
hurling the following taunts,
as they ran the haunted gauntlet:
AbbraCadaver, you are dead! SCADA! CRADA! Lambda!
Lots more f'ing ABBA, BABABBA, ABBAS! Security by Sabrina!
A las tartas, de fruta distintas de mermeladas
la mermelada de sandia acaramelada!
Efficiency by Morticia! PATRICIA! Ali Babba!
So's yer mamma! Who's your dada?
Death to Bhubba! DARPA! Bhabha! BARC! Bark!"
Smaller, saner, prim sisters,
joined in their crusade by war resisters
- now witches, in a fever did sew and stitch
leaving their husbands, to themselves getting hitched
The coven convened an inter-agency Cask Task Force
and conducted ultra-high speed Casket Crash Tests,
in order to determine if any casks would crack
- As If You Had To Ask
They shrieked and cackled behind their Halloween masks
They perfected the farcical Parsifal Effect
They put the enemy to sleep with Zzzz Machine plasma,
conjuring the forces of Fate
with a bit of human heart, between dielectric plates
Intelligent Design in weapons-grade software,
coded at the Lilith's Fair,
the completed circuits working
with a lock of Sandia's bright, red hair
. Sandia Red Team Hacks All Computer Defenses
... a group at Sandia National Laboratories known informally as
the Red Team has, ... Sandia Studies Security At Nation's
Chemical Plants (January 22,
[Found on Google]
13. HNS - Crack Sandia team hacks - but only if asked
... "It's got to be the curly hair," said Barbara Surbey, a
slender, straight-haired hacker, holding up ... This month Red
Team won a Sandia President's Quality Award for its ... [Found on Yahoo!]
20. Slashdot | Red Storm Rising: Cray Wins Sandia Contract
Red Storm Rising: Cray Wins Sandia Contract ... called a
multithreaded architecture rather than a parallel one (semantic
hair splitting, yes, but...
[Found on Ask Jeeves]
40. physics central physics in action - Tiny Machines - print version
... red blood cells, and a 50 micron line included for scale.
Note that this distance is about the diameter of a human hair.
(Courtesy Sandia ...
[Found on Yahoo!]
Science, Politics, and the Debatable Land between
Today is the 13th time I will be participating in my wife's
birthday. The first time was about a month after we became
engaged. I brought her a home-grown Dendrobium orchid blossom
and took her to dinner at High Finance Restaurant, which is
located atop Sandia Peak, the mountain that dominates the
northeast Albuquerque skyline. Sandia Peak is fairly gently
sloping to the east, but drops a steep 5000' to the west, and
the usual way to reach the restaurant is to take the Sandia Peak
I have long had a soft spot for redheads, for reasons that defy
reason. I used to joke with college buddies that I would marry a
redheaded biochemist someday. The biochemist part was based on
the highly rational calculation that I wanted someone
intelligent who shared my interest in science, but was not in a
field closely related to my own (astrophysics.) The redhead part
was, as I already said, completely irrational.
I wasn't deliberately looking for a redhaired biochemist; it was
just a joke; but it's funny how things work out sometimes. My
good fortune in meeting her is conclusive proof that there is a
benevolent God. And it suggests that God has a sense of humor.
Many of you wanted to know more about me, and you were referred
here. I live in Western Massachusetts, and was born on December
15, 1975 at 3:42 in the afternoon. I am 5'8" with short red
hair. (it got cut shorter than I wanted the last time, so it is
shorter than I had it even for the Marines.) Also, I am in the
Marine Reserves as you will see on the next page. I also have
friends that wanted to be on this site, so you will see them as
I am currently studying laser electro-optic technology at my
local community college. It is a 2 year Associate's Degree
Program. By this summer I hope to be in California at Sandia
National Laboratories.
1. Kevin Carlyon - High Priest of British White Witches
It basically tells you how to open yourself as a Witch and
perform your own rites. ... Cerne Abbas CLICK HERE FOR MORE
INFORMATION ABOUT ME [Found on Google, Ask Jeeves]
11. Israel Forum - Hijack planner Abul Abbas Dies
Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead!!!!! ... The ship, the
Achille Lauro, was commandeered by Abbas? small Palestine
Liberation Front. [Found on Google]
18. - May Day at Cerne Abbas
Cerne Abbas Giant. Copyright & Martin Gray. ...
and they still seek the help of the local White Witch, who
performs ceremonies [Found on Ask Jeeves]
8. Americas Amber Alert Center Washington
She has shoulder-length dyed red hair. She was last seen wearing
a gray sweatshirt, ... Researchers at the Department of Energy
(DOE) Sandia National ... [Found on Google]
12. Poetry Corner
It belongs to the Pueblo of Sandia, and even we who are only one-
l6th ... With a papoose on your back, you grabbed for Chief Red
Hair's records of paper. . [Found on Google]
"D.A.R.P.A. (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is using
these technologies to manipulate people. They established 'The
Projects,' set priorities, coordinate efforts and guide the many
participants in these undertakings. Related Projects are studied
at Sandia Base by 'The Jason Group' (of 55 Scientists). They
have secretly harnessed the Dark Side of Technology and hidden
the beneficial technology from the public.
3. 666 - The Beast - Lilith / Sandia Labs Connection
666 - The Beast - Lilith / Sandia Labs Connection ... grow up to
become a witch or magician. Merlin was said to have had such
parentage. ... [Found on Google, Yahoo!]
Lilith is a general purpose tool to provide highly scalable,
easy distribution of user code across a heterogeneous computing
platform. Lilith's principal task is to span a heterogeneous
tree of machines executing user-defined code in a scalable and
secure fashion. Lilith will be used for controlling user
processes as well as general system administrative tasks. Lilith
is written in Java, taking advantage of Java's platform
independence and intent to move code across networks. The design
of Lilith provides hooks for experimenting with tree-spanning
algorithms and security schemes. We present the Lilith Object
model, security scheme, and implementation, and present timing
results demonstrating Lilith's scalable behavior.
3. The Lilith Security Model
There are two issues to be addressed in this section: the
mechanism for distributed trust used in the Lilith prototype and
generic Lilith security approach.
3. MatSE news/Fall02
"Babba," the Urdu word for father. Shah's efforts to start a
school in the refu- ... Brinker is a Senior Scientist at Sandia.
National Laboratories and a ... [Found on Google]
2. PATRICIA --Practical Algorithm To Retrieve Information Coded in
Sandia Laboratory,* Albuquerque, New Mexico. ABSTRACT. PATRICIA
is an algorithm ... In the example shown in Figure 1, ABBABABB,
[Found on Google]
6. Sampling 'small atmospheres' in the tiny new worlds of MEMS
... last post by ALI BABBA. super super capacitor ... small
atmospheres - is now in place at Sandia National Laboratories, a
National Nuclear Security Administration facility [Found on Yahoo!]
9. The World of Legends
12. Death by Sandia (22:28) Human Choose Your Fate (22:28) 3155 ...
13 16. Death by Babba (22:28) Halfling Choose Your Fate (22:28)
2934 ... 17 [Found on Ask Jeeves]
2. Homi Jehangir Bhabha (1909-1966)
Learn about the scientist who lead the atomic energy programme in India.
[Found on Google, Ask Jeeves, Yahoo
. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre ( BARC )
Multidisciplinary nuclear research centre. Includes
organisational details, history, programmes.
[Found on Google, Ask Jeeves, Yahoo!]
25. Individual Transformation
Our founder, Dada Lekhraj, was an instrument of God through whom
God ... Oil Corporation, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Bhabha
Atomic Research...
[Found on Ask Jeeves]
26. Modern Literary Theory
Suggested Websites: Dada and Surrealism: Texts and Extracts by
Gerry Carlin & Mair Evans. Notes on Surrealism and Dadaism. [Found on Ask Jeeves]
27. S. N. Biswas (1926 2005)
... Samarendra Nath Biswas, endearingly called 'Dada' by his
colleagues, students and asso- ... vited by H. J. Bhabha to join
the theory [Found on Yahoo
... which there is no previous model. Feyerabend's Dada model is
reminiscent of this nominalist epistemology ... Hall, Dick
Hebdige, Homi Bhabha, Rasheed Areen, the journal Third Text,
[Found on Yahoo!]
4. Chapter VI. Of Other Pueblos of the Upper Rio Grande, and how ...
So Sandia settled down to witch-baiting so earnestly and so
successfully that, to-day, there are not only no witches there,
but almost nobody else.
[Found on Google]
"Yes, there is," he answered unexpectedly, "California much
better, -bonito campo, mucho trigo, fruto, sandia, ah, sandia!"
(beautiful country, much wheat, fruit, and watermelons, ah, the
watermelons!). "
This region, now under Governmental care, is more expeditiously
reached by automobile if you like travelling to ruins
by such conveyance.
------------------------------------------------------------------ B. BALDWIN
First, I would like to say that I'm here on my own time. I just
couldn't justify charging this to any Sandia case.
Second, after hearing about the phenomenal accuracy of polygraph
testing, I decided to voice my support for the tests, and would
like to further suggest that polygraphs might have much broader
application in addressing societal problems.
The main problem that should be addressed is the cynicism that
the American public has towards its political leaders. The
corrosive effect of this cynicism could be eliminated if every
candidate for public office is expected to take a polygraph test
as a normal part of getting elected.
Now I know that engineers and scientists may be skeptical of
anything as scientifically suspect as polygraph tests, but
fortunately our political leaders have no such reservations.
As Rep. Wilson so eloquently stated, "polygraph tests are just
another tool that should be available to investigators."
Certainly, the voters deserve the same tool in selecting leaders.
To be fair, candidates should not be asked lifestyle questions,
but they should be asked a few policy-related questions. For
Have campaign contributions ever influenced the way you
legislate? Have you ever used foreign contributions to fund your
campaign? Have you ever voted to directly or indirectly use
Social Security surpluses to fund general governmental
expenditures? Have you ever demagogued against reforms that you
knew would have benefited society as a whole? By having
politicians require us to take polygraph tests, we are in a
unique position to request that politicians do the same. Let us
work together and have NM become the first state where political
candidates are routinely asked to take polygraph tests.
As we struggle to understand the motivation for this effort to
change the Regulations to allow for polygraphy at the labs,
there are too many unanswered questions. I am getting frustrated
because no one seems to be able to answer a number of simple
We all want strong national security.
Therefore, the DOE must be extremely careful avoid even a hint
of a witch-hunt.
Don't forget that alienation was the reason that Albert Einstein,
Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi and others chose to work for us rather
than Germany. If you come storming in here with a McCarthy style
witch-hunt, it will aggravate rather than relieve the anger and
resentment that already exists.
Comments for Polygraph Hearing by Stewart Silling
In the late 19th century, it was thought by some that you could
tell whether a person was a criminal or not by measuring the
shape of his head. This technique had two problems: false
positives, and false negatives. But national security was at
stake. Society had to be protected from criminals. So, many
authorities thought this was a useful test.
In the days of witch trials, a suspected witch was sometimes
made to recite the 23rd Psalm or other text.
But national security was at stake. Society had to be protected
from witches
A leading authority on polygraph testing from DOD, who spoke
here at Sandia last week, admitted that polygraph testing has
two problems: false positives and false negatives. But national
security is at stake. Society must be protected. So, these
problems don't matter.
. Augusta Georgia: ***@ugusta: Scientists: Polygraphs
make us all suspects 08...
... labs, Livermore in California and Los Alamos and Sandia in
New Mexico, have made it clear they're worried ... we do not
need another witch hunt,'' he wrote in a newsletter
[Found on Yahoo!]
68. Blistering Attack on Polygraph Policy / Lawrence Livermore
employees sound off on
... detector tests as a way to prevent spying at the nation's
nuclear labs, calling it a ``witch hunt ... held at labs in Los
Alamos and Sandia, both in New Mexico
[Found on Yahoo!]
Sandia National Laboratories has always been the smaller, saner,
more prim sister to Los Alamos, her neighboring nuclear lab to
the north. So maybe it's not so surprising that after flirting
with the idea of bidding to run Los Alamos, the University of
Texas has decided to shack up with Sandia instead. The five-year
deal -- the first of its kind -- calls for the Longhorns to
start independently reviewing the work of Sandia scientists and
Texas Records
I started collecting Black Witch records in 2001 which was a
relatively good year for the species
For 2002, I only know of six Black Witch records from across
North America, of which only three were from Texas.
Ray kept track of the number of Black Witches that, upon his
passing, flew up out of the sargassum that sometimes was piled
two feet high at high tide
He found none of the moths during May patrols prior to May 30,
the date I began receiving multiple daily reports of Black
Witches from across Texas in 2004.
New Mexico's records show a typical June and July pattern, but
oddly only one record before and after that period.
Bernalillo Co. Albuquerque 20 June 2004 3-5 from Rio Grande
Bosque to NE Heights/Foothills at 6500'
Catron Co Zuni Salt Lake 23 June 2004 So. shore of cinder cone
lake, Elev. 6,220 ft
Bernalillo Co. Sandia Park 10 July 2004 Sandia Mtns E. of
15. witch women
... i am the throat. of the sandia mountains. a night wind woman ... [Found on Yahoo!]
i am the throat
of the sandia mountains
a night wind woman
who burns
with every breath
she takes
-Joy Harjo
All children are wild. You lived in the wild country. Why are
you afraid of it?
5. DOE Document - Integrated test plan for directional boring
This integrated test plan describes the field testing of the
DITCH WITCH Directional Boring System.^DITCH WITCH is a
registered trademark of The Charles Machine Works, Inc. ...
WITCH is a r...
[Found on Yahoo!]
This integrated test plan describes the field testing of the
DITCH WITCH Directional Boring System."DITCH WITCH" is a
registered trademark of The Charles Machine Works, Inc., Perry,
Oklahoma.^The test is being conducted as a coordinated effort
between Charles Machine Works (CMW), Sandia National
Laboratories (SNL), and the Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC)
A witch was herding the sheep of a man of Bernadillo. A Cochiti
herdsman asked for employment of the same sheep owner and was
accepted. He went to the sheep country and met the man who was a
witch. They herded together. They became acquainted and they
told each other stories
For Christ's sake, hurry so that we will get home before our
flock is stolen." As he said the name of Christ the witch threw
him off and left him on the plains.
He picked himself up all alone and started to walk back. It was
a long distance and there were no towns there then. He was very
hungry and thirsty. It was east of Sandia
It is the Witch who yearns
It is apparent that Ms. Friedman continues
It was her goal to make sure
It is clear Ms. Friedman should concentrate
Kirtland AFB, NM, Sandia National Lab--the Sandia Labs have been
used for mind control. The one in NM is at Kirtland AFB 87117
(505-845-8692). It has bunkers that have been used for mind-
control. The one in Hawaii is at Hanapepe on the Garden Island
of Kauai (808-335-5611). Sandia Labs also has a presence in
Aibuquerque, NM. Sandia Labs has worked on such secret projects
such as the W-88 nuclear warhead which was mounted on the
Trident II missiles carried by Ohio-class subs. Mind-controlled
slaves help keep Sandia Lab's research secret.
Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA. -- Esalen is the Tavistock of
America. They give workshops on hypnosis, biofeedback,
Witchcraft (for instance, their Rituals of Transformation class).
Instructors include: witch Margo Adler, Cranio-sacral D.O. Jim
Asher, psychologist Adam Burke who specializes in trance
training, Patti Lawrence (who does cranial work), Caroline Muir
(a tantric sex yoga expert), Robert Swanson (a Dolphin expert),
Charles Tart (a expert w/ altered states of consciousness),
Karen Turner (a witch psychologist), & Anna Wise who is skilled
in using EEGs to measure & train brain waves. These are only a
few of the many occult or interesting instructors that the
Esalen Institute has.
of their programming. This list is added as a supplement to
those sites exposed in the Vol. 2 book. Slaves have to come in
to the "SHOP" periodically to have certain maintenance programs
renewed to maintain the power of the programming. Most slaves
that are being used in operations come in at a minimum every 2-3
years. Most people who have been programmed are sleepers. And
many people who have horrible programs to carry out are
programmed for the next few years. All kinds of sites are used,
for instance, Boy and Girl Scout camps, a big church in
Greensboro, NC, a desert site near Tucson, AZ, and hotels in New
Orleans. Many people who have been "recruited" (beguiled and
trapped) into the mind-control are seen being sent to Colorado
Springs, CO. A network of daycare centers has been established
worldwide by the Illuminati's Network for the programming and
recruiting of children. A series of Youth Hostels has also been
created (originally by the communists) for Network goals, and
have been widely used by the communist faction of the World
Order. The elite have their own schools, such as Eaton School in
the UK which receives some Illuminati children under mind-
control. Watch the Office of Global Analysis, which is an
intelligence group for global analysis for the NWO. Also watch
out for the National Program Office (NPO) which is reported to
have been created in 1982 to oversee "black" programs of the
intelligence agencies. The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
is another black ops group. This group is in part housed within
the Pentagon and deals with assassination teams. It uses lots of
illegal funds which it launders through another Pentagon agency
called the DSAA (Defense Security Assistance Agency). Gen.
Howard Fish, Mr. Eric Von Marbod, Gen. Phil Gast were the men in
DSAA that laundered the NRO's money. I. Irving Davidson, who has
one foot in the mafia & one in the military black ops is a go-
between. One of the assassination programs they ran years ago
was the Zeta Diogenes (ZD) project. Different agencies that
participated had different codes for the programs. The men used
in these NRO programs are mind-controlled slaves in some cases,
it is not known what % if any are not under mind-control. They
are organized as cells and are operating in various military,
national guard, and secret reserve units. Present-day Russia's
Guards Directorate has two "counter-terrorist" divisions Alfa
and Vympel. These were formerly part of the KGB, and employ mind-
controlled victims in their work. OP-06-D is the unit assigned
to perform penetration tests to determine security at these
different military/intelligence bases used for programming.
Air Force Units to watch:
Aerospace Defense Intelligence Center ADIC
Air Force Intelligence Support Agency AFISA (recent name) of the
Air Force's all sources intelligence organization.
Kelly AFB has the 693rd Intelligence Wing located there.
57. Owed to a Spell In Chequer -- Catweasel's Corner at Enchanted Spirit
... To rite with care is quite a feet. Of witch won should be
proud. ... PO Box 1080. Sandia Park NM 87047
[Found on Yahoo!]
5. Other Programming Sites
... for instance, their Rituals of Transformation class).
Instructors include: witch Margo Adler, Cranio-sacral D.O ...
Kirtland AFB, NM, Sandia National Lab--the Sandia Labs have been
used... [Found on Yahoo!]
59. Schneier on Security: The Doghouse:
... In times of turmoil and insecurity, witch hunt and
suspicions, expropriations and diminishing credibility of our
world ...
[Found on Yahoo!]
60. General Contractor - Finding and working with a Residential
General Contractor - -...
... She called it a "witch-hunt." ... "Luminaries to light up
Main Street this weekend (Benton Courier) "TEXAS, SANDIA SHACK UP [Found on Yahoo!]
66. program 1996
... Jeff Everts, Chair. Sandia National Lab, Albuquerque, NM ...
the nest paper presents a high performance full crossbar witch
for use in Video Signal Processing systems . [Found on Yahoo!]
Sandia National Laboratories
So it's a very light, humorous way to make the point that
industry really needs to consider security when they're
implementing SCADA systems and real-time digital control. ...
So why is that a threat?
The real threat to small incidents like this is that they might
become more numerous, and they also can be executed remotely.
And so if you could do this across the country in different
places, you might affect the confidence of the U.S. population
on a particular sector, in a particular activity that they have
to perform that's related or controlled by SCADA systems. ...
Sandia and the Boeing Company signed an
umbrella cooperative research and development
agreement (CRADA) Sept. 5 to develop technologies
that mutually benefit
security mission, are also key enablers for Boeing's
wide range of space, communications, commercial
airplane, and integrated defense systems. This
CRADA allows us jointly
Iraqi threat real, imminent,
says former Sandian, UN
weapons inspector Jim Lee
Lovenheim, Lisa. DESERT FABULOSO. New York: NAL Penguin,
This is about gay life in Santa Fe. LAP.
Minneapolis: Milkweed, 1988.
A collection of stories that conveys subdued tensions and
danger stemming from the characters' tenuous ability to make
sense of the world, and from their search for connectedness.
Inspector McKee, on vacation from Manhattan Homicide and
seeking shelter in a violent storm, is marooned on an isolated
Sandia Mountains ranch with a curious assortment of stranded
fellow travelers and a pair of murderers.
Durga says Mallove came back to his boyhood home on Friday to
clean it up after his tenants moved out.
Durga says,"We were together until approximately seven o'clock.
When I drove out of there at eight his van was gone."
Lt. Tim Menard, Norwich police, says,"He was found outside of
the house and he had a blunt force trauma to his face and neck."
Fran Durga who has always kept an eye on this house for Dr.
Mallove says he never say anyone come by on Friday, although the
doctor did tell him three people did stop by to ask about
renting the house. That sign now sits on the top of the dumpster.
Which is where Durga believes conspiracy theories surrounding
Mallove's work with the controversial theory cold fusion which
says you can get energy without cost or pollution - belong.
Durga says,"I gotta tell you, I think that's hogwash."
The Report also cites a senior member of the technical staff at
the U.S. government's Sandia National Laboratories, James Corey,
who expressed at the September 2003 Energetic Materials
Intelligence Symposium that "an overdue revolution in science
will arrive, [and] the reputations of cold fusion scientists and
those who revile them may be reversed."
My long-time friend, Dr. Eugene Mallove, is dead. The local
police have ruled his death a homicide.
At this writing, his killer is (or "killers" are) unknown, and
the precise reasons for his brutal killing are equally
The timing of Gene's death - May 14, 2004, just as his 15-year,
literal one scientist crusade to force the world's scientific
and political communities to take seriously a revolutionary form
of energy that can literally "change the world" was finally
about to be vindicated this year, by a reversal of the original
negative analysis 15 years ago by the same government agency,
the U.S. Department of Energy - makes no sense, regardless of
the exact reasons for his murder.
American Nobel Laureate in Physics (1988) Leon M. Lederman is no
proponent of research into radical forms of new energy; one
might accurately call him a "pathological skeptic" based on at
least one opinion he has voiced (see The God Particle, 1993, p.
122). Nonetheless, he somehow senses that a physics revolution
may be upon us. He said recently, "You can smell discovery in
the air - The sense of imminent revolution is very strong." (New
York Times, November 11, 2003, p.D12).
Several recent developments, however, in the cold fusion arena
make it impossible to ignore a scenario in which Gene was killed
for political reasons.
As of about January, the DOD expressed a renewed interest in
cold fusion. This interest could be (COULD be) related to the
fact that one of the byproducts of the process is tritium, an
element utilized in bomb production. To forward the making of
large amounts of tritium would, of course, require major money
and an expanded effort.
Mallove had traveled to Norwich to clean out items from the
19 Salem Turnpike house
First of all, he noted how the stop sign poem tied in very
closely to my lack of direction, disgust with what I'm studying,
and exploring new interests and such (from randomness). Second,
he praised me for my willingness and efforts to diversify my
life. And finally he made a career suggestion that might entail
more of my interests. Crime scene investigator. Forensics.
Ooh, so this idea pops up again. Interesting?I have some
thinking to do about a lot of things including this. So
maintaining this page is bringing interesting things my way?
first the guy looking for Sitting Bull Falls pics, then the
Sandia Soap guy, and now this. Cool :)
Today has consisted of packing, panicking, and errand running.
I have to crash decently early and tomorrow it's off to Boston!
*** / ***
But first, a poem.
Category theory is a ghost that roams
Appendices of theses in search of a home.
Few know of it,
Fewer understand it,
Still fewer have the guts to put it in a poem.
- Anurag Acharya
Thanks to Jaideep Ray for pointing me at this.
Z Machine at the Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico
have accelerated a small plate from zero to 76,000 mph in less
than a second. The speed of the thrust was a new record for
Sandia's "Z Machine" - not only the fastest gun in the West, but
in the world too.
42. Sandia National Laboratories - April 4, 2003
... Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho. Although
firefighting aircraft ... on the minds of Sandia President and
Labs Director C ... I was in Moscow the second week in January
and [Found on Yahoo!]
Z produces fusion neutrons, Sandia scientists confirm
Throwing its hat into the ring of machines that offer the
possibility of achieving controlled nuclear fusion, Sandia's
Z machine has created a hot dense plasma that produces
thermonuclear neutrons, Labs researchers will announce
From this point on many other persons became involved. Bennewitz
was called down to a meeting at Kirtland AFB at which several
major Air Force officers and Sandia personnel were present,
including a Brigadier General. Earnest Edwards has confirmed
that the three guards under his command re- ported what was
described, and that the meeting took place. Bennewitz has
confirmed that Doty and Jerry Miller came to his home to view
his mater- ials and there is a document signed by Thomas A. Cseh,
Commander of the Base Investigative Detachment, to confirm this.
Finally there is the com- plete set of documents which were
released by AFOSI Headquarters under cover of the Department of
the Air Force relating to the described events.
- Navajo Code Talkers - Bill gives Loyal Shawnee
to get High Honors Separate Status
- Request Elders Ceremony - Board Agrees with Crow
for Uranium Contamination on Land Swap
- Facts About the Hopi/Navajo - Native Prisoner
Conflict - History: Carlisle Indian School
- Ya'a'tee - Rustywire: Snow, Wind & Going Home
- Pueblo Continues - Poem: Old Man
Sandia Mountain Fight - Verse: Hawaiian Book of Days
- Riders Trace Tragic Route - Community TV Hopes
to Renew Lakota Ways to Promote Mohawk Language
- Hogan Project Underway in Cameron - Mayan Ruins Provide Hints
- Mohawk Return to of Urban Sprawl
Traditional Government Document - Upcoming Events
- Tribal Roots are Part - Mission Woman Gets
of Effort to Save Salmon Presidential Award
- Plan Would Help - The Lesson of Respect
60. The Roost " Spirit
... the President is referring to the persuasive 1998 report
prepared by J.J. Rivera of Sandia National Laboratories: [Found on Yahoo!]
39. Improbable Research -- What's New
... (NOTE: The poem does exist. The author apparently chooses to
remain anonymous.) ... and legacy codes," prepared by J.J.
Rivera of Sandia National Laboratories. The report says: ...
[Found on Yahoo!]
Most likely, the President is referring to the persuasive 1998
report prepared by J.J. Rivera of Sandia National Laboratories:
Design engineers are becoming few in number and years worth of
experience is about to be lost. What will happen when new
weapons are designed or retrofits need to be made? Who will know
the lessons learned in the past? What process will be followed?
When and what software codes should be used? Intelligent design
is the answer to the questions posed above for weapon design.
The report is titled ?Intelligent design using expertise
knowledge, manufacturing data, and legacy codes.? Its final
section, labeled ?CONCLUSIONS
Subject: NUKE TERRORISM 101: Media frenzy today! Get your hot
schedule! Plop those tapes into your VCRs, folks! Hi Patricia,
Thanks for your letter (shown below) alerting people to our
local power plant's front-page local news coverage (I've
included the whole article, below).
Despite the article's ominous-sounding title, the point of the
article seems to be that everything's being watched carefully
now -- by both sides. Oh, folks, yes, we know it's a lot to
worry about, after all, Sandia said so, but we can handle it.
(Sandia Labs reports are heavily referenced in the article; but
CRAC-2 is actually such an underestimation, it's practically
fiction.) Just relax folks; go back to sleep. New security
arrangements will stop everything that might be thrown at these
plants, and local activists's concerns will help ensure that the
government does as much as necessary.
Of course, the paper's view couldn't be more wrong -- public
interest is the only thing that will save us. The plants are
vulnerable to everything from balloonists with radio (or fly-by-
wire) controlled, titanium-tipped steel flechettes (which could
penetrate the containment dome, as any engineer worth half his
degree can calculate) to underwater suicide bombers who float
into the intake tunnels with massive quantities of underwater
explosives, and remotely actuated charges. With the right
bladder full of simple household chemicals, they could destroy
the plant over a period of days by introducing corrosive
elements into the coolant loops, which would cross the various
barriers through the hundreds of brittle-fracture cracks which
are already KNOWN TO EXIST in the circulation loops of these
All hell will break loose if this happens. Maybe the NRC will
dodge a bullet. But across the nation, it's a barrage, and they
can't dodge that. At least, not with their current meager
Those who pretend we can provide adequate security for nuclear
facilities ignore the real issues. They all argue cutely about
guys coming at the plant with a few pea-shooters and fire-
crackers, instead of laser weapons (yes, the terrorists might
have these), or electromagnetic pulse weapons. Even crude
chicken-wire can be used to short-circuit the plant's electrical
systems -- and if you choose the right systems, that alone can
bring down the plant, and the operators might not have a chance
to drop the control rods, and not only that, they might not drop
properly anyway. That's always a risk.
What's a little public interest when there are so many ways to
put local citizens back to sleep again?
February 1998: What is a "LifeGuard?"
April 1998: Letter to the FBI
May 1998: The Sandia and Army Tests
sidebar on "True Believers"
August 1998: An Email Exchange -- You Be the Judge
August 1998: Threatening Letter from Lawyers
February 1999: "Insufficiently Advanced Magic Is Distinguishable
from Technology!"
These people say (and I tend to agree with them, though of
course it's never possible to truly know what other people
really think when they're building) that the LCR circuit doesn't
need to work as an electronic or dielectric circuit -- it's all
just part of the structure needed to support what is really a
sympathetic magic spell (similar to sticking pins in a doll of
someone, with bits of hair and nail clippings in it, to hurt
them). But as the previous Sandia report proved, this
particular spell works no better than random guessing. Maybe
the incantation was off. Or maybe it needs to be a piece of
human heart between the two pieces of dielectric material? <eg>
Or, as my wife observed, they simply didn't understand
sympathetic magic -- you need a piece of that particular
person's hair to make it work.
What would it take to convince me that I'm wrong about the
LifeGuards? Well, I'd consider DKL's claims extraordinary, so
I'd want to see extraordinary proof to overcome the solid
scientific negative results of the Sandia tests.
First, I'd like to have some theoretical justification that a
dielectrokinetic force can swivel a half-pound device that you
hold in your hands. All I've heard or seen so far is handwaving
about the dielectric equations
14. AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth
CEO email confirms Microsoft is abandoning gays because of
religious right (4/23) ... Why not just model ourselves on the
Salem witch trials instead?
[Found on Google]
10. The Burning Times in The Summerlands
When we had little information on the Witch trials, scholars
used to guess that hundreds ... Satan encouraged all evils,
especially sexual ones -- so gays, .
[Found on Google]
Satan granted his followers magickal powers and great knowledge --
so mid-wives, magicians, diviners, healers, and scholars were
accused. Satan was the father of heresy -- so Pagans, Christo-
Pagans, and Christian heretics were killed. Satan encouraged all
evils, especially sexual ones -- so gays, sexually independent
women, criminals, and "loose" or beautiful women fell under
suspicion. All suffering and ugliness was of the Devil, and that
made the elderly, the plain, and the handicapped suspect.
7. Who was responsible for the Burning Times?
Everyone. All segments of European society supported the Witch
trials: the Church, the Inquisition, secular government,
intellectuals, the "common" folk, healers and doctors.
Shockingly, even Witches themselves supported the Burning Times.
12. Witches' Voice, The - Gay Gods
Supplies brief profiles of a selection of deities from Greek,
Egyptian, Phoenician, Norse, Hindu, & Mayan cultures who were
the subject of gay themed myths or worship.
Sponsored by:
[Found on LookSmart Reviewed]
By Ron Grossman
Chiago Tribune staff reporter
May 12, 2003
Heresy trials, a distant echo of witch burnings, have reappeared
on the American religious scene as part of a bitter struggle
between progressives and conservatives.
"It was painful to see the church invest its time and money to
prosecute me and to uphold institutional bigotry," said Creech,
who subsequently became chairman of the board of Soulforce, an
interfaith gay-rights group
7. labnews08-23-02 (Color)
I am not a witch or warlock.. .I have many examples of dowsing.s
usefulness and it.s fun,. he wrote. .We had fun with it at
Sandia, looking for.
[Found on Ask Jeeves]
Trashing the Moral Matrix
he crown jewel of all the arguments in favor of gay marriage is
this: "How would gay marriage harm your marriage?" It's not an
argument, really; it's a question meant to place the burden of
an argument on the shoulders of traditionalists; normal folks
are expected to justify the continued existence of the complex
moral matrix that was created to nurture normal heterosexual
relationships. The burden of the argument should rightly be on
the shoulders of the challengers to demonstrate that the
legitimization of homosexual perspectives and behaviors will not
damage traditional social institutions in any way. It's an
intellectual burden that homosexuals and their liberal
cheerleaders cannot support.
The true challenge to America is not simply the issue of gay
marriage, but the moral implications of an ever expanding
homosexual comfort zone. That comfort zone has been expanding at
an accelerating rate ever since that evening in 1946 when Harry
Hay, a gay communist, first re-imagined homosexuals as an
"oppressed people".
Now, in a gush of gay friendliness, comes the mixed-gender dorm
room. The New York Times (5/11/02) informs us that this
departure from tradition "is less about sex than sexual politics"
and the increasingly powerful presence of gay and lesbian groups
on campus- groups nurtured by the colleges themselves.
It seems the big push to abolish prohibitions against mixed-
gender dorm rooms came from homosexuals who declared such
traditional decorum to be "heterosexist." That was all the
liberal administrators at places such as Swarthmore and
Haverford College needed to hear; it was like an incantation
they could not resist. And the problem? Gay students were
uncomfortable sharing living space with a roommate of the same
Sandia Abuses Christians
At least 300 of America's 500 most powerful companies have gay-
friendly employment policies. These policies often exceed a
proper insistence on tolerance and civility and become a
promotion of gay social values so aggressive as to discriminate
against traditional men and women.
Not to be outdone by corporations, the Sandia National
Laboratories in New Mexico discriminates against religious
believers daily, while lavishing preferential treatment on
homosexuals. Sandia management explicitly forbids people of
faith to place any references to religion or religious events on
its bulletin boards. The faithful are prohibited from using
computer screen savers with religious content. The bosses demand
the removal of all posters, books and pictures with religious
content. Sandia management even forbade its engineers from
naming a reconnaissance robot Caleb, after the biblical spy.
25. The Inner Room
Truth and Love are the only authenic tenets found in the
teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. ... me off to the Sandia
Mountains one weekend and insisted ... specific portion of the
Sandia Mount... [Found on Yahoo!]
It was early in the evening after the sun had fully set leaving
the house quite dark particularly on moonless nights. San
Damiano lies in an area where the lights of Albuquerque are
blocked by the Sandia Mountains and our particular subdivision
has no annoying streetlights, permitting the night skies to be
lit only by the moon and that marvelous multitude of stars. I
had placed one of my Navajo rugs in front of one of the three
glass sliding doors in the rather large and then mostly empty
grand room.
Michael and I set at opposite ends of the Navajo rug and we
chanted no words of incantation; we simply remained quiet and
waited for something to happen on its own. And after some
period of time, something strange did eventually begin to
Our own weekend presentation of this HIV/AIDS program had taken
place in one of Albuquerque's newer hotels and meeting centers
that had initially been designated as the "Pyramid." It was
just north of town on I-25 in the direction of Santa Fe. The
program was certainly varied covering almost every known aspect
of this disease, and one of the most intriguing and certainly
popular of the various offerings was a presentation offered by a
Native American Medicine Man.
He felt that this raging epidemic of AIDS was just one of the
many tragic symptoms of our unwarranted exploitation of the
environment that most unfortunately and for no apparent reason
only affected just a particular portion of the human inhabitants
of this earth; at that time, largely Africans in general and gay
men in much of the rest of the world. His suggested and
articulated answer to this ominous problem was a much-needed
return to a more balanced and humane treatment of not only the
physical and ecological earth itself but also its varied
inhabitants; equal respect for nature as well as the varied
human inhabitants is considered most essential for universal
we both were either drawn back or lead to those most basic of
all elements of this suffering mother earth at almost the
precise time of the same day; what a wonderful and mysterious
Another bit of pertinent trivia that focuses on this whole story
has to do with the very source for the name of my mystical
setting in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains.
I would like very much to contact Lawrence Lee, by whom I have a
very special print--especially to me. It is an androgynous
Indian (Tribe?) with a single (long-stem) orchid in front. I
have used the image as an icon on my "orchid website" (non-
commercial) as a link to a section about a book which I have
recent begun to write. "The Shamans of San Damiano"
And now, with all of this having been said and done, I want to
take you on a mystical journey that began somewhere before the
later days of the 18th Century in that most intriguing and
mesmerizing Land of Enchantment...
... on a lark, they both said a prayer (or incantation? -
Branton) that they would see a flying ... being replicated at
Kirtland AFB & Sandia Laboratories & these replicas are referred
[Found on Yahoo!]
4. Mack sewell office of epidemiologz
Review of Department of Homeland Security, Sabrina Steffen, ...
(It was pointed out in discussion that John Vitko, formerly at
Sandia National Laboratories,
[Found on Google]
Sabrina presented to the group a summary of the new evolving
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the federal government.
The new Department has five directorates: border and
transportation security; emergency preparedness and response;
information analysis and infrastructure protection; science and
technology; and management. In addition, several other agencies
are being folded into the Department: Coast Guard, Secret
Service, Citizenship and Immigration Services, state and local
government coordination and private sector liaison.
Key initiatives of this program will include the integration and
deployment of early bio-warning systems, and research on non-
traditional forms of bio-surveillance, advanced detection
technologies, and biological signatures. (It was pointed out in
discussion that John Vitko, formerly at Sandia National
Laboratories, Livermore, CA, will be heading up the DHS program
in biology and chemistry.)
Sabrina's vu-graphs can be viewed as a pdf file:
Homeland Security Briefing
10. A day in the life of President Bush (8/8/05): photos
Pete Domenici, R-NM, second left, after Bush signed the act at
Sandia National ... Sabrina is eight, will be in third grade,
but she is reading at a first ... [Found on Google]
4. The Rise and Rise of Sabrina by Chris Green
Inevitably adolescence and revolution came to Sabrina and she
ran away to do her own ... briefly on the scene giving Sabrina
security and a lot more money. ... [Found on Google]
6. Free Sabrina
Sabrina, The Teenage Witch Free Sabrina ... Security Guard-
Excuse me, ma'am. Sabrina turns round to find a man-mountain of
a security guard standing there. [Found on Google]
. Sabrina's Pen Pal
Sabrina, The Teenage Witch Sabrina's Pen Pal ... Sabrina reaches
into the control box and shuts off the security beams. Zelda-
Great! Okay, here goes. [Found on Google]
11. E. Damiani S. De Capitani di Vimercati S. Paraboschi P. Samarati
F. Violante
... 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security.
c. Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati ... 9th ACM Conference on
Computer and Communications Security. c [Found on Yahoo!]
with the security tag still on it into Sabrina's shopping bag. ...
Amazed that no alarms go off, Sabrina then leaves and the
security detectors go off.
[Found on Google]
... taking money from the Social Security lock box. sabrina
missing, email searches, missing files from ... need to "dip
into Social Security. sabrina missing, email searches, missing
files [Found on Yahoo!]
46. The Resolution Of All The Fruitless Searches
... The next morning, CJ helped Sabrina with her bags and
dropped her off at the ... Sabrina got to the gate just as they'd
started boarding. The security officers were randomly
[Found on Yahoo!]
(security abasing breaking investigating natty aplication)
sabrina is a bruteforce password cracker for several kinds of
windows password dialogs.
9. Conference Speaker:
... Catering to gay and lesbian travelers, Sabrina gained
valuable insight into community and ... developing gay and
lesbian markets in Provincetown, Sabrina co-founded Provincetown
[Found on Yahoo!]
12. ColdWar II Timeline 2002 Events
... and Sandia in New Mexico - will have to come up with the new
ground-penetration technology. Sandia has already patented a new
penetrator (see graphic). [Found on Google]
2. Battles Beneath The Earth
Related Projects are studied at Sandia Base by 'The Jason Group'
(of 55 ... He entered a small opening beneath the building and
claimed to have seen a dead
[Found on Google]
"MIND MANIPULATING EXPERIMENTS... The Dulce Base has studied
mind control implants; Bio-Psi Units; ELF Devices capable of
Mood, Sleep and Heartbeat control, etc.
May 1-2, 2000. Bob Sojka and David J. Horne, visiting New
Zealand Soil Physicist, traveled to Moscow, Idaho, to meet with
students and faculty interested in research on polyacrylamide
(PAM) use for erosion control, infiltration enhancement and
water clarification. Dr. Horne is spending a six month sabbatic
with the Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory
(NWISRL) to study the effects of PAM on infiltration uniformity.
In Moscow, Sojka met with Ross Spackman, a Ph.D. student in the
Department of Plant Soils and Entomological Sciences; Sojka is
on Spackman's degree committee. On May 2nd Sojka presented a
seminar in the Engineering Department on work from the NWISRL
use of PAM for erosion control and runoff water quality
improvement. (KIM20000511N5
"battle beneath the earth". Aside from the human and reptilian
entities, there are some ... Sandia Laboratories & these
replicas are referred to as ARVs [Found on Google]
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Idaho , Moscow, Idaho 83844-1021
Office: BEL 310, Office phone: 208-885-7652, email:
Fax: 208-885-7462 Aaron Thomas
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Florida-Gainesville, 2001.
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1996.
Summer 1996. Intel Corporation, Rio Rancho, NM. Worked in the
Fabrication 9 Plant in the Diffusion/Environmental area. I was
in charge of taking careful account of all the chemicals that
were fed, reacted, and released in each step in the making of a
support device to the Pentium microprocessor and the Flash
Memory Chip. This involved contacting the various group leaders
in charge of the various steps in the process and gaining a full
knowledge on the physics and the requirements behind their
Summer 1995 and 1994. Stanford University, American Indian
Summer Immersion Program(AISIP). Taught a three week calculus
course to Stanford's Native American freshman for two summers.
Developed the curriculum from the calculus book used in Stanford'
s engineering classes. Summer 1994. Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. Part of Sandia's Summer
Employment Program for Minority Youth. Worked with Parallel
Computing Division on computer codes used to solve engineering
Other Professional Business
To be determined
Effective Summer 2004, I have accepted a full time position as a
metrologist at Sandia National Laboratories.
I will continue to read e-mail sent to the UNM ME e-mail address,
and am happy to advise current or former students. I will be
happy to provide a PE signature for my former students.
The magic incantation is "chmod -R 755 *.*", otherwise, the
Apache webserver will give you a HTTP403 error!
University of New Mexico
52. Mutation Jubilation: 200406
... doodle , scorecard impish , incantation . seaward . corn ,
clergymen6 ... shuddery chemist dada incantation actress. vhf ...
remediable statutory scorecard incantation contact cryostat
[Found on Yahoo!]
54. Cernunnos Consortium: July 2004
Greetings Earthlings, Visitors, Mutants!!! Belief in a nurturing
Earth Mother is a feature of modern Neopagan ... derate
bonaparte clytemnestra sandia cameo inexplicable bullyboy silky
[Found on Yahoo!]
Sandia is a national security laboratory involved in a variety
of research and development programs to help secure a peaceful
and free world through technology.
We develop technologies to sustain, modernize, and protect our
nuclear arsenal, prevent the spread of weapons of mass
destruction, defend against terrorism, protect our national
infrastructures, ensure stable energy and water supplies, and
provide new capabilities to our armed forces.
Magic Cube ? The Sandia-developed "Magic Cube" can blow a
fragment-free hole in 1/4-inch steel.
42. Sandia National Laboratories - April 4, 2003
... Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho. Although
firefighting aircraft ... on the minds of Sandia President and
Labs Director C ... I was in Moscow the second week in January
[Found on Yahoo!]
Scott Griffin spent his first 19 years in or around Boise, ID.
Then he spent his next 5 years in Northern Idaho (Moscow) and
Eastern Washington (Pullman, Palouse, Spokane).
For the past 16 years Scott has lived in Albuquerque, NM. He
has acquired a B.S. and M.S. degree and has acquired a huge
number of undergraduate and graduate level credit hours at Boise
State University, University of Idaho, Washington State
University, University of New Mexico, and Albuquerque TVI
Community College.
Scott has ridden a motorcycle all around Southern and Northern
I've also rock climbed all over the Sandia Mountains outside
Albuquerque. In terms of a philosophy of life, I like and
highly recommend the classic existential writing of Robert
Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (you don't
have to be into motorcycles to enjoy)
Sixteen years ago I took a trip that taught me the importance of
paying attention to the details on a map before setting off on a
journey. It was my first trip by myself. My plan was to visit
relatives in Moscow, Idaho and then travel to Bend, Oregon for a
much-needed R&R stay at Sun River Lodge.
The first leg of my journey went fine. To begin my second leg, I
quickly looked at my map, used my fingers to determine the
shortest route from Moscow to Bend and set out on my way. It was
noon on a Sunday and I anticipated a seven-hour trip. As I
settled into my little VW Rabbit, I noticed my gas tank read 1/2
full. Anxious to get going, I told myself that I would fill up
To make a long story short, this trip took me 13 hours. The
route I so haphazardly chose took me through seven mountain
passes (called The Seven Devils as I learned later -- apt
What does all of this have to do with dreams? A couple of things.
First, I got to thinking how wonderful it would be if there was
a software program available where you could put in your dream
and receive clear directions on how to reach it
PO Box 1080
Sandia Park - NM - 87047
Karmic challenges
Karmic work to do
Order a
Karma and Destiny
6. le Clementine - cocina
... para despues pasar a las tartas de hojaldre hechas de fruta
o de distintas xtipos de mermeladas como por ejemplo la mermelada
de sandia acaramelada. ...
[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]
home, must have own machine,
non-smoking, motivated, great
student job. Spraggins, 256-7408.
7. Sewing is EVIL, the DEVIL invented it !
... heretics and. >>witches like sewing.And heretics and witches
shall BURN ! Maybe he is just poor at spelling and thinks we're
a bunch of lawyers. 'To sew' could
[Found on Yahoo! Search]
54. Macbeth
And Sew it Was - Costume design and custom sewing, Macbeth ...
the world of mysticism by the words of the witches, and his
desired to be what they see ... And Sew it Was. Page design by LK [Found on Yahoo! Search]
With a puff of lint, the horrible monster emerged from his lair.
It was the dreaded level 1/2 Blanket Monster, a horrifying golem
knitted together in ages past by insidious old witches who would
sew such monstrosities together when they met on weekends before
It was a +24 Mithril Gauntlet of Egregious and Near
Instantaneous Irrevocable Unholy Destruction. It glowed with an
unearthly light and pulsated with ancient power emanating from
the unspeakable runes scrawled all over its surface. What was it
doing there? Why did a blanket beast guard it? Was it some sort
of bug in the program? Not even I can tell you, but there it was.
What can I say?
16. Breaking News
... of Scholars - a Tapestry of Discovery." ... Sandia National
Laboratories. " The Tapia conference seeks to weave together
these unique threads to create a tapestry
[Found on Yahoo! Search]
Recently, I had the pleasure of delivering a joint presentation
on streaming media with Judy Hubbard of Sandia National
Laboratories to the Corporate Media Managers Association (CMMA).
As someone who has successfully implemented high-volume
streaming services using advanced video compression - both MPEG-
4 and Windows Media 9 - in her organization, Judy's insights and
experiences proved to be invaluable: Especially, regarding her
understanding of, and dealings with, the nuances of deploying
video services over IT networks. We thank Judy for graciously
allowing us to include her case study in POE.
. Easylit Poe - Poe Cask Essay
A Summary of Poe's Short Story "The Cask Of Amontillado". One of
the main themes of Edgar Allan Poe's The Cask Of Amontillado is
[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]
The 1998 Edgar A. Poe Award
Advocates of shipping the waste are quick to cite - and
distribute - videotapes of cask crash tests that Sandia National
Laboratories in New Mexico conducted in 1977 and 1978. Dramatic
footage shows casks being rammed by locomotives, barreling into
walls on the back of trucks and being subjected to other abuses.
"A cask is not going to open," said Cynthia Hilton, executive
director of the Association of Waste Hazardous Materials
Transporters. "In the movies, nothing happened to the casks.
The casks apparently survived, and viewers are told no excess
radiation could be detected. Emergency officials often say they
are reassured by the video.
What viewers are not told, however, is that one reason radiation
was undetected is that the casks held unused nuclear fuel, which
emits about one-millionth as much radiation as high-level
nuclear waste. The video also omits the fact that cracks
developed and lead shielding melted more than 90 minutes into
the fire test, or that fluid leaked from casks after two of the
crash tests, according to Sandia accounts of the tests.
8. The night battles: witchcraft and agrarian cults in the sixteenth
It was throught that witches on the way home from their
nocturnal gatherings were ... spoil the rest by urinating into
it or throwing filth into the casks. [Found on Google]
. You surely don't have casks outside the door
You surely don't have casks outside the door? ALTMAYER. ... (The
WITCH dissolves the circles. FAUST steps forth.) Come right on
out! You must not rest.
[Found on Google]
Purer and holier fires.
And when he breathes his master-lay
Of Alloways witch-haunted wall
All passions in our frames of clay
Come thronging at his call.
Such graves as his are pilgrim-shrines,
Shrines to no code or creed confined-
The Delphian vales, the Palastines,
The Meccas of the mind.
They linger by the Doon's low trees,
And pastoral Nith, and wooded Ayr,
And round thy Sepulchres, Dumfries!
The Poet's tomb is there.
. Sandia Researchers Develop Kevlar Reinforced Gauntlets to
Protect ...
Sandia have developed a prototype gauntlet to protect soldiers
arms during combat ... The gauntlets were then shipped to forces
in Iraq for recommendations.
[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]
65. chaosgods
... Many sorcerers and witches also pray to the chaos lords. ...
Favored Weapon: Bloodied Hand of Lorris (War Gauntlet) Lorris is
the blood god in Ateria
[Found on Yahoo! Search]
25. Topaz (Witches, Werewolf, Dracula, Dr. Strange character)
Group Membership: Witches (Jennifer Kale, Satana) ... Dr.
Strange for his part in saving the Universe during the events of
the Infinity Gauntlet. [Found on Ask Jeeves]
16. The Gauntlet
Click Here To submit a letter or a response to the Gauntlet. ...
when, we now know, some of the "witches" he sought to burn were
actually guilty of spying .
[Found on Google]
The drought has everyone concerned, and I agree with the
suggested moratorium on building until the drought eases. Even
communities back east in Maryland have imposed such limitations
as they too are in the midst of a terrible drought.
About this time last year a neighbor and I were finding dead
rabbits all over our property. Hmmm . . . .
Post a sign outside your house saying Please Conserve Water, or
if you have religious inclinations, God, please don't let us die
in the choking dust.
Research done by the National Science Foundation indicates that
we are presently experiencing only the beginning of warming
trends. Our source of water from annual snowfall in the Sandias
can be expected to diminish in the years to come.
36. eG - Ed-Op - Letter: Readers defend and define Christianity
... Editors, the Gauntlet, Re: "Homophobic dogma enraptures
Christians," Feb ... 20:13) and witches (Lev. 20:27) to death,
but it does not condemn non-Christians to death
Brad Cooke's article suggested that religion should have no
place in decisions regarding civil liberty. However, without
religion what is the difference between acceptable and
unacceptable behaviour?
Cooke's article misrepresented the Bible and Christianity. Yes,
the Bible sentences homosexuals (Lev. 20:13) and witches (Lev.
20:27) to death, but it does not condemn non-Christians to death.
Yes, Christians believe a certain way of life is better than
[Found on Yahoo! Search]
Gauntlet Opinions 08.09.2001
Burn the witches, burn the witches,
don't take time to sew your stiches
Burn the witches, burn the witches
Good is the thing that you favor, evil is your sour flavor
You cannot sedate all the things you hate
I don't need your hate, I decide my fate
You cannot sedate all the things you rape
23. Spectral Dynamics
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia
Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company for the United States
Department of Energy's...
[Found on Ask Jeeves]
. Spectral evidence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... injustices of the Salem Witchcraft Trials was the admission
of spectral evidence. Spectral evidence was testimony that the
accused witch's spirit (ie,
[Found on Google, Ask Jeeves, Yahoo! Search]
Anagram for "GEORGEWBUSH"
33. Dark Conspiracy
... NWO - Most Diabolical Conspiracy Of All Time. Occult Roots
Of The EU ... Rush Has Joined The CFR. Russians At Sandia.
Secret Activities [Found on Yahoo! Search]
The Parsifal Effect
Around this time, in the early 1950s, I was part of an after-
school group of gifted kids (including Johnny Glogower who
worked with me and Lenny Susskind at Cornell later on) conducted
by the late Walter Breen. Breen was a graduate student at
Columbia and well known Numismatist associated with psychologist
William Shelden. Breen had a connection with the nuclear weapons
laboratory, Sandia Corporation, because we were visited by two
men from Sandia who lectured us on "patriotism" and "anti-
communism" when they took us to dinner in New York's German Town
(86 th Street). Breen was closely connected with people in Ayn
Rand's circle. I can't remember if I met Breen before or after
the strange phone calls. I was recruited into Breen's group by
another kid in my Junior High School named Robert Bashlow. I
also was a member of the Civil Air Patrol in Brooklyn at age 14
which was definitely after the above "contact". Breen arranged a
full scholarship for me to go to Cornell at age 17 by writing an
extensive psychological profile on me in which he predicted I
would make revolutionary discoveries in the foundations of
physics. My professors at Cornell like Hans Bethe, Robert Wilson,
Phil Morrison et-al were all major figures in the Manhattan
Project at Los Alamos near where Sandia is located. I have just
learned that Breen recently died in prison convicted of child
molestation. I was definitely never molested by Breen or any of
the other adults that I met in his apartment and I never heard
any suggestions of that by the other kids. Indeed, Breen had two
children with the well known science-fiction fantasy writer,
Marion Zimmer Bradley who wrote the best-selling Mists of Avalon.
Breen told me he did much of the scholarly research in the
writing of that book. I would run into him about every 10 years,
or so, up until the about 1990.
My occult reverie was broken when Michel called out to me to
come away with him and Sharon.
Night came with a full August moon. Sharon, Michel and I took a
long walk from a party near the Bois De Boulogne back to the
Champs de Mars. It was about two in the morning when we arrived
at the base of the Eiffel Tower. Michel and some friends split
off to the left. Sharon and I started to walk on the path. We
had not gotten very far before I heard the sounds of motorcycle
engines behind me. I turned and was temporarily blinded by three
motorcycle headlights. I could see that there were two men in
black leather jackets on each of the three motorcycles 21. I
grabbed Sharon and we quickly walked off the path on to the
grassy field of Mars. The motorcyclists followed slowly and
began circling us. I noticed a young couple making love in the
grass. Sharon and I started to run towards them. One motorcycle
broke away from the circle and came right for us. The passenger
had a rubber truncheon. He walloped me on the back of my left
shoulder the way a Zen Master might. 22 All three motorcycles
sped off quickly. They made no further attempt to rob or harm us.
I cannot remember when the connection to the scene in Cocteau's
Orphee hit me. It would be years later that I learned that the
symbol of the Knights Templar 23 is two Knights on the same
horse and that my alleged ancestor Rashi de Troyes 24 (1040-1105)
played a role in their formation.
Fred Wolf was there and he suggested I go with Bardens. We had a
good dinner of duck in cherry sauce at the Blue Boar Inn. After
dinner, over brandy and cigars, Bardens leaned towards me with a
conspiratorial wink and said:
"First, I want you to know that I am a Cabalist." After a
dramatic pause he continued in a more officious tone: "Dr.
Sarfatti, it is my duty to inform you of a psychic war raging
across the continents between the Soviet Union and your country
and you are to be in the thick of it!"
Waking the Dead
Giles stared at Sidney, stunned. "Y-you mean that boy is a
natural Necromancer?"
"That's right. As far as I can tell, Eddie is a natural
Necromancer." Sidney's voice was now back to its normal pitch.
Giles paused to look at Eddie before replying. "You realize how
rare natural Necromancers are." Giles said it as a statement,
not a question.
Sidney nodded. "There have been, what, perhaps 20 natural
Necromancers in the last 1000 years? Now you realize why I have
taken him under my wing."
You stole a rocket launcher from an army base! Excellent!" Eddie
Eddie laughed. "Very cool. I once had to hunt down a coven of
witches in Northern Russia who had taken an army base as their
headquarters. They had cast a spell on the base that caused the
soldiers to be their slaves. So there I am, crawling through the
dark, trying to keep the soldiers from shooting me and the
witches from turning me into a frog or something." The male
Slayer told Xander, who had picked up the unloaded Glock and was
feeling its weight for the 5th time. "It was intense!"
Hold on!" Eddie called back. "You know, Buffy," he said as he
reloaded his gun and slipped it into its back holster, " The
next time you get the urge to jump on top of me, you don't have
to hit me with a book, just ask nicely!" With that he turned and
raced after Sidney who had already left.
After he had gone, Buffy turned to Willow, a look of expectation
on her face. "It seemed like a good idea at the time!"
the red-haired girl said defensively.
King Arthur: Who are these peasants?
Knight #1: We caught this one (pokes Richard in the back with
his sword) when he tried to steal thy
gauntlet your majesty.
Richard: I didn't steal it, it's mine!! I found it!!
Sam: Like you found the Necromonicon...
Prof. Campbell: Who found the Necromonicon?
Ashe: Prof. C! You have to help us!!
Prof. Campbell: Professor? What are you talking about you
disgusting primate? I work at S-Mart.
Knight #1: Why hast thou taken thy master's gauntlet?
Sam: This isn't real!!
Ashe: Not real?! Then how do you explain all this?!
Sam: I can't, that's what scares me.
Knight #1: Silence peasant!
Sam: Peasant?!
Ellie: Sam, please, don't agitate them.
Knight #2: What shall we do with them, sir?
Knight #3: Let's hang 'um!
Knight #2: No! Look at their clothing, they must be witches!
Ellie: What?!
Richard: Cool, what powers do I have?
Ashe: Shutup Richard!!! We aren't witches!!
Knight #1: Lets take them to the God who fell from the sky.